Search results

  1. Macro

    Spec Me A Bike.

    Are you looking for more of a comfort bike or a fitness bike? If you really want a more upright you may want to take a look at the Trek Womens Navigator 2.0 It's costs more than you stated you want to spend but that seems like the norm in life. At least it might turn you toward comfort bikes if...
  2. Macro

    No Gravel In Quarantine Tank. Will It Stress Fish

    Hi, I set up a 10gal Q tank to isolate fish that I buy before introducing them into the display tank. The question is, will the new fish be unduly stressed if I opt not to put gravel in? I'd prefer not to have any gravel so it's easier to keep clean and if a fish ends up with ich that it would...
  3. Macro

    High Ph?

    Something I just read recently was to test your tap water after it has sat out for say 24 hrs and see if it's still 6.4. The thread I was reading was talking about CO2 that is in the lines and it drives the pH down so when you measure right out of the tap it will be one thing but after sitting...
  4. Macro

    White Strands Growing From Plants

    They are roots. I'm new too and I don't know what plant that is but it looks like a stem type plant that you can trim and replant to propagate it.
  5. Macro

    Am I Finally Cycled

    From what I've read, your right, nitrates at low levels are okay. You can bring them down with water changes if they climb much higher.
  6. Macro

    Quarantine Shrimp?

    Hello, I tried searching this but couldn't find the answer (probably missed it) Is it recommended to quarantine shrimp (snails too for that matter) before they go into the tank? I'm not sure if they carry anything that could get fish or other inverts sick. Any help would be greatly appreciated...
  7. Macro

    Best Way To Level A Tank?

    +1 on the wood shims. I had to level my tank and they worked great. Note that the shims are wedges so if you need to you can flip them opposite each other so there isn't a void between the thin end of a shim and the bottom of the stand.
  8. Macro

    Sailfin Molly Not Moving Much

    Glad to hear that he's feeling better :good: Could you share what ferts your dosing and at what amounts so that beginners like me might learn more about what might be the reason for something happening in our tanks? Thanks if you don't mind.
  9. Macro

    Sailfin Molly Not Moving Much

    You might want to get a bit of surface disturbance going and maybe put an air stone in you suspect it might be high C02 levels.
  10. Macro

    Sailfin Molly Not Moving Much

    Do you know what your C02 levels are? I've heard of C02 poisoning if the levels are too high. Maybe someone that knows more can help, I hope it goes well.
  11. Macro

    Macro's Fishless Cycle

    Day 13 AM Test Results: pH 7.2 , Ammonia 1.0ppm (dosed up to 2.0ppm last night, in 12hrs dropped in half), Nitrite 1.0ppm (dropped from 5.0ppm two days ago. I'm guessing it's because I didn't dose NH3 for a couple days), Nitrate 10 (slightly lighter than 10 but you know how the test kit is)...
  12. Macro

    Ammonia Spike...............

    +1 Water changes and regular testing to see where the ammonia level is at. I'm just a beginner but I know that this is pretty much the first play in the playbook. What was your ammonia level at when you posted your question? Can you give any tank details too? It might help people that have...
  13. Macro

    Macro's Fishless Cycle

    Thanks for the advice Waterdrop, I'll fix the Swords right away. I don't have any ferts yet. I was thinking of getting some Flourish or Flourish Excel, maybe both, do you think that would be adequate? So the dosing of NH3 to 4ppm would still be recommended with plants in the tank? Does the...
  14. Macro

    Teething Issues With My New Tank

    I may have missed it above but what do your straight tap water parameters test at?
  15. Macro

    Rye's Fishless Cycle

    That's some interesting stuff right there. Is there a always a correlation between a lower pH having a higher C02? Is a pH of 7.2 going to have a higher concentration of CO2 than a pH of 7.6 ? Is the concentration of CO2 what makes the pH lower or higher? Thanks WaterDrop for sharing your...
  16. Macro


    I have some Malaysian driftwood and I boiled each piece for about an hour and then soaked them in a bucket of water for a day or two, after that I stuck them in my tank. They are still releasing some tannins into the water but with the couple water changes I've done I can hardly tell that...
  17. Macro

    My Fishless Cycle

    Hi Twinklecaz, Are you using the API test kit? If so is Nitrate of 8 a close guess since the card goes 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160. I remember reading a thread about the API Nitrate bottle #2 and it said you need to make sure this is very well shaken. Tap the bottle on the counter firmly a few times...
  18. Macro

    Macro's Fishless Cycle

    Day 11 AM Test Results: pH 7.2 (dropped a bit from yesterday), Ammonia 0.0ppm (dosed up to .50ppm last night, in 12hrs 0.0ppm), Nitrite 5.0ppm, Nitrate 10, Temp 78 (this should be final temp for tank accounting for plants). ludwigia palustris has changed color from solid green to brown/red green...
  19. Macro

    Rye's Fishless Cycle

    Looks exciting, I hope it does the trick for your cycle. :good:
  20. Macro

    Macro's Fishless Cycle

    Day 10 Test Results: pH 7.6, Ammonia 0.0ppm (dropped from .25 yesterday), Nitrite 5.0ppm, Nitrate 10, Temp 80 (dropped to accommodate the new plants). Did 20% H2O change appx. 11hrs before test. I have gone in a slightly different direction now that I have read more about planted tanks (seems...
  21. Macro

    Bunch Of Pictures Of My Rainbows

    Those are beautiful fish! I particularly like the first two pics. Stunning
  22. Macro

    Is 65W To Much Light? Also General Planted Tank Questions.

    Thank you for the links, I'll be reading up on them. I'll post any questions I have here. Thanks again :)
  23. Macro

    Macro's Fishless Cycle

    Day 9 Test Results: pH 7.6, Ammonia .25ppm (dropped from .50 last night), Nitrite 5.0ppm, Nitrate 10, Temp 82. I'm wondering if, since I've got this 'enriched' substrate (eco-complete and active-flora), should I be doing partial water changes every week? I don't want to get to the point where...
  24. Macro

    Macro's Fishless Cycle

    Because I was curious I decided to do a PM water test tonight and here are the Day 8 (9:30pm) results: pH 7.6, Ammonia .50ppm (dropped from 1.0 this morning), Nitrite 1.0ppm (same as yesterday but it's real hard to tell between 1.0 and 5.0ppm), NitrAte 10ppm (first time I've shown a reading)...
  25. Macro

    Is 65W To Much Light? Also General Planted Tank Questions.

    Thank you for your reply. Do you have a good beginners CO2 guide you could turn me to? What would I be in for if I started up with CO2 out of the gate? Thank you.
  26. Macro

    Is 65W To Much Light? Also General Planted Tank Questions.

    Hello all, I hope this is the place to post this as the question relates to keeping a planted tank which is my goal after my tank cycles. I have a light set that I used to keep on a reef tank in the past and I'd like to use it as my light source for my planted tank. The tank is a 29Gal...
  27. Macro

    Macro's Fishless Cycle

    :sick: WD Day 8 Test Results: pH 7.6, Ammonia 1.0ppm (dropped from 2.0 yesterday), Nitrite 1.0ppm (same as yesterday), Temp 82. Log on first post updated.
  28. Macro

    My Heaters Cracked?

    That's not exactly what I meant :rolleyes:
  29. Macro

    My Heaters Cracked?

    I'm not an electrical guy so I'm not sure but wouldn't an electrical short (or whatever you would call this) trip the breaker or GFI? Anyone know?
  30. Macro

    Hello New Here I Am 3/4's Into My Fishless Cycle

    When I put those measurements in it comes back as 206 Liters.
  31. Macro

    Bubble On Plants

    Is this good, bad or neither?
  32. Macro

    Macro's Fishless Cycle

    I took the raw shrimp out on day 4 and switched to ammonia from a bottle because I could see that it was going to be very hard to regulate with shrimp :)
  33. Macro

    Macro's Fishless Cycle

    Day 7 Test Results: pH 7.6, Ammonia 2.0ppm , Nitrite 1.0ppm (same as yesterday), Temp 82. Log on first post updated.
  34. Macro

    How Can I Stop Algae Bloom?

    Thanks OM I misunderstood the original post. I didn't realize the L137 was the plec's type I thought he was saying what the tank size was (137Liter) lol. I see now that in his sig it's 260L and that the 90w is indeed not overly bright. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused :blush:
  35. Macro

    Hello New Here I Am 3/4's Into My Fishless Cycle

    I think what OldMan47 is telling you to let it sit and measure the ammonia each day until it eventually comes up zero or almost zero and then dose it back up to 2-4ppm and wait and measure again each day till it comes up zero or almost zero. Your eventually trying to get to a point where when...
  36. Macro

    Very Heavily Pregnant Platy

    That is the best PC tip I've read in a while thank you!
  37. Macro

    Guppy Has Given Birth To 141 Fry

    Wow, what do all of you do with these fry? I can't fathom having enough room for even one drop. I'm just underway with my fishless cycle and doing research on fish. I'm thinking I'm going to steer clear of livebearing fish just in case so I don't end up with 50 little babies that I have no idea...
  38. Macro

    My Heaters Cracked?

    Sorry that happened to you, glad you didn't have any fish in there. I have a glass heater in my tank that I'm cycling and this makes me look at it even more suspiciously now. I've been thinking of getting a metal (titanium?) one or one of the plastic ones and now that I've seen your pics I'm...
  39. Macro

    Fish For A New 48Litre Tank

    Hi Singy, That was me that had the 1/8 tsp to 3gal thing that Chris mentioned here is a link to the thread if you want to read it Ammonia and API test Unless your ammonia source was really diluted I think you'll find that you have too ammonia in your tank. When you get your test kit (my only...
  40. Macro

    How Can I Stop Algae Bloom?

    Just a thought here but you say you have no plants in the tank and your running 90w of lights. That's about 3w per gallon and that is borderline bright even in a planted tank from what I understand. Is it possible to only turn on one or two of the lights to lower the Watts per gallon some? Maybe...