My Heaters Cracked?


Fish Gatherer
Mar 4, 2010
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Ok I came back from uni and saw my tank was actually 30 degrees C, it's normally about 28-29 on the LCD thermometer. But anyway, I saw this.



Whats happened? I've got a warrenty so I assume I can get it replaced because it's practically brand new.

I took a rock out yesterday but NO way did it touch anywhere near the heater. as you can see the heater is in the corner and the rock was in the middle! So its going to look dodgey if i take back a rock and a broken heater :lol:
hope you switched it off!!!

heaters can sometimes crack if run dry of if knocked but yes you should get a replacement.
hope you switched it off!!!

heaters can sometimes crack if run dry of if knocked but yes you should get a replacement.

Neither of those things happened to it though :S

I shall replace it, I just thought it was really odd

thanks :good:
oh my!!! dude i feel for you, hope no fish have gotten hurt!
What brand is it? That's awful! You could have lost a tank full of fish due to poor workmanship (assuming that's what it was).
It was brand new yeah!

It scared me too, would it have put electricity through the water? I have turned it off now haha. luckily i'm cycling so it won't have much an effect other than the annoying process of getting it replaced.

It's fluval, brand new with a roma 125 tank.

I assume its ok to take by now?
I assume its ok to take by now?

unplug and should be fine, no stored electricity in them

Not heard of a fluval doing that before...I thought they were very reliable?

It least it happened now and not later on after you stocked!
Aye, its lucky in a sense.

I've taken it out, the bottom cm just seemed to have broken. Its a bit black, but that could've happened after it broke... So the inside is on a sort of spring and just falls down and bounces.

Will take it back tomorrow asap.
Sorry that happened to you, glad you didn't have any fish in there. I have a glass heater in my tank that I'm cycling and this makes me look at it even more suspiciously now. I've been thinking of getting a metal (titanium?) one or one of the plastic ones and now that I've seen your pics I'm going to when my cycle is almost finished.
Sorry that happened to you, glad you didn't have any fish in there. I've have a glass heater in my tank that I'm cycling and this makes me look at it even more suspiciously now. I've been thinking of getting a metal (titanium?) one or one of the plastic ones and now that I've seen your pics I'm going to when my cycle is almost finished.

I personally wouldn't worry, that one is fluval have and all of there stuff is under warranty. Glass is a very strong material and it shouldn't have happened hence the mystery :unsure:

I'm new to fish keeping though so meh :p
Is that then end of it thats dug in to the sand? if so, why put it under the sand?
Sorry that happened to you, glad you didn't have any fish in there. I've have a glass heater in my tank that I'm cycling and this makes me look at it even more suspiciously now. I've been thinking of getting a metal (titanium?) one or one of the plastic ones and now that I've seen your pics I'm going to when my cycle is almost finished.

I personally wouldn't worry, that one is fluval have and all of there stuff is under warranty. Glass is a very strong material and it shouldn't have happened hence the mystery :unsure:

I'm new to fish keeping though so meh :p

Just a thought? it might of had a little short out and one or both the wires might for broken just like a light bulb does if this happen the heating spring being broken night of course the cranking and brake?

Is that then end of it thats dug in to the sand? if so, why put it under the sand?

haha, that bit appears buried but is only 1cm. The white part you can see, bounces up and down on the metal spring things... So its dropped lower making it appear like a load of glass has come off.

Sorry that happened to you, glad you didn't have any fish in there. I've have a glass heater in my tank that I'm cycling and this makes me look at it even more suspiciously now. I've been thinking of getting a metal (titanium?) one or one of the plastic ones and now that I've seen your pics I'm going to when my cycle is almost finished.

I personally wouldn't worry, that one is fluval have and all of there stuff is under warranty. Glass is a very strong material and it shouldn't have happened hence the mystery :unsure:

I'm new to fish keeping though so meh :p

Just a thought? it might of had a little short out and one or both the wires might for broken just like a light bulb does if this happen the heating spring being broken night of course the cranking and brake?


hmm possibly, I don't see how it could've managed to have broken the glass though. Maybe it ended up where it shouldn't have and just burnt through some sort of previous crack. I know glass is much weaker when scratched, and if it expands it might crack?

not sure, its going back anyway :lol:

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