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  1. K

    Hello! First Fish Tank :d

    Are you worried that the black on the edges of his fins is finrot? or just part of his coloring? his red is beautiful!:) and I am glad that you know how to properly do a fish-in cycle, when I first started I had no idea what was needed for Betta's.
  2. K

    What Does My Betta Have?

    Thanks everyone but sadly when I got home from school today he had passed away:( He was fine until I switched him over into the side my female had before she died (she got very fat and just died) but I figured that since I have a screen divider whatever she had hadn't got to him or he would have...
  3. K

    Sorority Tank Finally Has Inhabitants...

    Sounds to me like you might have a male, but if she has an eggspot I wouldn't be too worried unless you don't see her drop any eggs when the rest do. Do you have a plan for introducing the new females? It has to be done in a way that the original females feel safe as well as the new ones.
  4. K

    What Does My Betta Have?

    He has lost is his red color in the front exchanged for a pale brown, his scales are raised, his belly has gotten big and he's rest a lot. He also has a white spot that has diminished a little bit. I have lowered his food to only a couple of flakes every other day to keep down his belly, and I...
  5. K

    Best Colors I've Seen In Walmart

    I am currently full in my tanks no room for anymore but these are beautiful vt males. All I usually see are red and blue, so I had to get a picture of them. one on the right looks in better condition. Poor guys:(
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    25W Heater, Again

    Heater I like the price and the adjustable dial, does anyone have any comments about this one?
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    Betta Weird Finnage

    I would love to see your breeding story, will you make a topic of it here, or record it in the journals and photographs section please? I love watching breeding :good:
  8. K

    Netting Betta Safely For Tank Cleaning

    No syphon thingy here, I have to use tupperware to remove water from my tanks and to put it back in. therefore I remove my fish. Its probably harder then it should be but Idk what a syphon is. to clean the rocks in the bottom i use a turkey baster type thing, get up poo and other particles the...
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    Netting Betta Safely For Tank Cleaning

    I have to cup both of my bettas to get them out for water changes, as I have to add de-cholorinator to the water and don't feel safe having them in the water until I feel its mixed in well. I don't know how anyone could do a water change that has to use de-cholorinator without removing the fish...
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    My New Girl!

    I had a female this same color with same long fins, mine dropped eggs shortly after I got her and thats how I was sure she was a female :good:
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    He looks just like my Little Joshua only Lil J has a coppery red/black color on his head and moves into a blue! Very pretty :good: my fav color in a male other then the marbles or rainbows.
  12. K

    New Sorority

    The first female you posted a pic of looks just like my old Dory, miss her:(
  13. K

    Lots Of Photos Of My 3 Bettas!

    I had a tank with a female and male seperated, and I put too much water, the male got in with the female and beat the male up, not the other way around.
  14. K

    Gross Fish Flakes

    Does he eat anything else? Most people suggest a variety of foods for betta's, mostly because their digestive system is very delicate and they get bloated easily. Try just bloodworms and a cooked de-shelled pea every now and again but limit your portions, and if he gets bloated too often look...
  15. K

    50 Watt Submersible Heater?

    Oh my. I wish my PetSmart or PetCo actually had some good ideas about what products are the best, because I would really hate to have to buy it from ebay and then have to pay to ship it back. I will def do some more research. I am not in a hurry for it is summer in maine and right now is 92 out...
  16. K

    50 Watt Submersible Heater?

    Found this one that seems a little bit better, is actually 25w with good reviews and a good price. I think I will buy this one. Thanks for all of the advice!:) Elite Submersible 25w
  17. K

    Gross Fish Flakes

    This is exactly what I feed both of my betta's. He will eventually get hungry enough to eat it, but if you just got him most betta's won't eat very much in the beginning anyways. Mine went a whole week when I first got them and now they both have 3 flakes a day, substituted by a de-shelled pea...
  18. K

    50 Watt Submersible Heater?

    Sorry BethK I can't even load those pages, I am wondering about the cgi infront of the ebay part? I searched ebay and couldn't find any 25w that weren't cheaper then the 50w that I found which is why I asked. Thanks BettaCrazy7, thats what I was wondering. I didn't want to endanger my betta's.
  19. K

    50 Watt Submersible Heater?

    I am wondering if this would be okay for my 5 gal because I can't find any 25 watt ones that aren't $20+ US Heater
  20. K

    How Still Should The Water Be?

    My 5gal came with a power filter and it is set up not to be able to move but is closer to one side on the entire tank. I fill the tank up so the output moves the water ontop and under the surface very little. it took my female and male ( who both have this sort of tank to themselves ) a little...
  21. K

    Bloated? Dory

    My boyfriend has a friend who owns AquaCorals Reef Shop here in Maine, where I live in the US. She says I can keep dwarf sea horses in my 5 US gallons all for about $100 us. Im not quite sure about this, the dwarf sea horses sound fun but I am worried about up keep and the expense. And I also...
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    Bloated? Dory

    Thank you all. I have had Dory since the beginning of my betta journey, as a gift for valentines day. I got her with three other "female" bettas to put in a 2.5 gallon bowl (I know how wrong this is now and immediately got separate and bigger space for them all) so she has been through a lot...
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    Bloated? Dory

    I hope you have better luck with yours as mine has just died :-(
  24. K

    Dijon Has Spawned

    I'd love to see more pictures too!!!
  25. K

    Bloated? Dory

    She is acting very lethargic now, which is why I am worried. Nothing else is going on, her fins and scales look fine other then her being more pale. I will switch her to see the male, and hope that works. Thanks for the food info loraxchick:)
  26. K

    New Betta (Name?)

    I'm no good at naming my betta's either it takes me so long. My only male is named Little Joshua, after my boyfriend, very un-original lol I think loco is fine too, OscarBetta! :good:
  27. K

    Bloated? Dory

    She has had this food for over five months and I have seen her poo regularly so I'm not sure if she is actually constipated but I will try the pea anyways. Does anyone have any advice if she is eggbound?
  28. K

    Set It Up! Yay!

    You could easily fit 7-10 female betta's in a 15 us gallon tank. I don't know the difference between US and UK but in US gallons 7-10 would fit fine.
  29. K

    Bloated? Dory

    My female betta fish, the one I have had the longest, has always been very eggy or so I thought. But recently she has not lost the bloated look and is now staying near bottom in the corner resting which I have NEVER seen her do. I have seen her poo but haven't recently seen her drop her eggs...
  30. K

    Planning For A Betta Tank

    Will changing the filter affect the bacteria eating ammonia process? I am wondering because I have yet to change my filter cartridge for fear of losing the ammonia eating bacteria. Can someone explain that further to me? (sorry for asking a question on your post JoshuaA)
  31. K

    Female Betta Stress Lines?

    A good indication of females is the eggspot. Should be under her belly and it's very noticable. Not to say that if you can't see it they are male, it's just an easy way to confirm they're sex :good:
  32. K

    New Girls!

    That sounds like an amazing find! And for free too! Wow :good: I would love to see pictures of your tanks and it's inhabitants:)
  33. K

    Do I Get A Male Or A Sorority?

    A tip for sororities: give them all lots of attention and try to pick out ones who aren't as aggressive if you can, i got 5 leaders; lets just say it didn't end well. Thats about all I can say from my experience. Good luck! :good:
  34. K

    Tropical Plants

    Thanks, I probably would have bought them when I go there some point in the near future, good tip:)
  35. K

    Tropical Plants

    I live in the U.S. and have two betta tanks. I bought this: Bulbs And out of the six plantable bulbs only two grew, and one didn't grow very big at all and the other one grew massive. To save some money I would rather buy plants that I know will grow, rather than pay almost $10 for a package...
  36. K

    Hi, your advice wasn't bad at all, but I had already split them up (One jumped out after killing...

    Hi, your advice wasn't bad at all, but I had already split them up (One jumped out after killing another.) So I now have one male and a divided tank with my two remaining females:)
  37. K

    A Divided Tank Nightmare...

    I had a female jump OUT of the tank onto my bed (right next to my bureau housing my two tanks) while doing a water change. Poor crazy betta's, feel lucky that yours only jumped into the other side of the tank:(
  38. K

    Help! Beat Up Male

    Almost all of the splits in his tail have healed since my female attacked him. With 25% water changes ever day and 45% every 3 days. Yay!:)
  39. K

    Help! Beat Up Male

    Thanks loraxchick! I was going to give him some time anyways. he's not resting or acting different at all! He still does his ballet for me in the morning when I wake up and turn his light on and he doesn't lay down at all or rest like i thought he would.
  40. K

    First Bubble Nest!

    Lol, yes I'm sure they are female they have both dropped eggs ( the only male i have "was a female" according to petco. ) I ask because my female that was in the divided tank with Little Joshua had a built a very small bubble nest after dancing around near the divider with little joshua lol I...