Bloated? Dory


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2010
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My female betta fish, the one I have had the longest, has always been very eggy or so I thought. But recently she has not lost the bloated look and is now staying near bottom in the corner resting which I have NEVER seen her do. I have seen her poo but haven't recently seen her drop her eggs. What can I do? I have a male in a 5 gal and my two females in a divided 7. Could I switch the male and the other female just to see if Dory will drop her eggs? or should I try feeding dory a pea instead? I have heard that aides digestion. I have started skipping feeding her to every other day and instead of three flakes I give her one, and she has only gotten bigger.
Try feeding her on some good quality betta pellets instead of flakes maybe, and try the pea (not pee :blush: ) as for dropping eggs IDK i haven't to that yet with my females
She has had this food for over five months and I have seen her poo regularly so I'm not sure if she is actually constipated but I will try the pea anyways. Does anyone have any advice if she is eggbound?
flake is a fine staple diet for bettas. if thats what they will take no need to switch to pellets. pellets actually cause more problems in terms of constipation than flake.
as for eggbound, you could try to switch her and let her see the male. may do the trick. if not, she should absorb the eggs in a few weeks.
best of luck
She is acting very lethargic now, which is why I am worried. Nothing else is going on, her fins and scales look fine other then her being more pale. I will switch her to see the male, and hope that works. Thanks for the food info loraxchick:)
My female betta is having the exact issue you can see it here-
I agree though flakes arent as good as betta pellets, and even as that they should have frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp as a treat. Those foods also enhance color. :)
My female betta is having the exact issue you can see it here-
I agree though flakes arent as good as betta pellets, and even as that they should have frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp as a treat. Those foods also enhance color. :)

I hope you have better luck with yours as mine has just died :-(
Sorry for your loss, it sounds like she was just ill :rip:

Did you have her a long time?
that is very sad news. im sorry for your loss.
females being eggy generally doesnt outrightly kill the fish. usually they will absorb them if they cant release them.
just a general warning, dont overfeed your fish. especially with pellets. they only need one or two every other day. bettas have very small stomachs and those things swell when they become saturated. thats why a good balanced flake diet is better. i have no idea why most folks shun flakes with bettas. they are a safer staple food for bettas for health reasons.
agian, sorry for your loss.
that is very sad news. im sorry for your loss.
females being eggy generally doesnt outrightly kill the fish. usually they will absorb them if they cant release them.
just a general warning, dont overfeed your fish. especially with pellets. they only need one or two every other day. bettas have very small stomachs and those things swell when they become saturated. thats why a good balanced flake diet is better. i have no idea why most folks shun flakes with bettas. they are a safer staple food for bettas for health reasons.
agian, sorry for your loss.

Thank you all. I have had Dory since the beginning of my betta journey, as a gift for valentines day. I got her with three other "female" bettas to put in a 2.5 gallon bowl (I know how wrong this is now and immediately got separate and bigger space for them all) so she has been through a lot. Unfortunately she has always been a little of what i thought was eggy. I still have one female i bought a few months ago, and the other original "female" who is in fact a male. I don't plan on buying anymore bettas soon, I get too attached to them, and buying them at the local pet store is just too much uncertainty to me. I am instead looking into making the tank Dory shared with my other female into a saltwater tank. Thank you again for all of your advice and support, she probably would have passed away long before now without all the advice from the people of this forum.
best of luck with the salty side. let us know how that works out. and keep us posted. its always exciting to start a new area of the hobby.
Sorry to hear this it's never easy to lose them :sad: Best of luck with the salty side and good luck to your purse haha :good:
My boyfriend has a friend who owns AquaCorals Reef Shop here in Maine, where I live in the US. She says I can keep dwarf sea horses in my 5 US gallons all for about $100 us. Im not quite sure about this, the dwarf sea horses sound fun but I am worried about up keep and the expense. And I also enjoy watching my female explore and race around the five gallon she now has all to herself. I want to research a lot before buying any other fishy animal. Thanks for the support though and I will def keep updated!

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