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  1. Darren5591

    Pregnant Platy Nto Giving Birth (Pictures Included)

    Just by observing the picture, i'd say she has in between 2 and 1 week to go. She'll look like she's about to blow up before she drops the fry :)
  2. Darren5591

    How Long Has She Got Left?

    Haven't updated in a while... Four molly fry now! over a week old, getting bigger by the day, moved on from liquifry and onto the finely crushed flakes, they love it! Who'd of though an old shot glass and a cocktail stick could be so handy :) Also, my platy dropped her fry yesterday, managed...
  3. Darren5591

    How Long Has She Got Left?

    Checked this evening and found another one! A twin pair now, different fry drops as one is significantly larger than the other - more to come fingers crossed!
  4. Darren5591

    Crooked Molly

    Hey guys, My only sailfin silver molly yesterday went crooked, his body was twisted towards his rear fin. He was swimming unusual and wasn't flapping his fin to go forward. I was very worried and decided to leave him in case I stressed him out any further, as he could be injured. After a few...
  5. Darren5591

    Anyone Have Topsail Platys?

    I had one of these, a small red one. One day she became very reclusive and over the period of a week, became very thin and died. I kept her in a breeding net for this time as any food being given by me was snatched up by the other fish and because she was so weak, she wasn't getting a look in...
  6. Darren5591

    How Long Has She Got Left?

    Looked very hard and can't find any more. I have a couple of male gourami's in there so the chance of them surviving would be little I guess. The fry is in the breeding trap at the moment, should I move it into the larger net trap?
  7. Darren5591

    How Long Has She Got Left?

    Success! Molly gave birth sometime this morning/afternoon. Luckely my mum came home early enough to spot the last remaining molly fry, I am on the hunt for more however I haven't found any. It is in the breeding trap at the moment, shall be moved over when its a couple of days old. Silver molly...
  8. Darren5591

    How Long Has She Got Left?

    Thanks for you advice :) Shame I lost her first drop, but they come around often so shouldn't be too hard to spot the signs again! Got a couple of silver/white mollys which are big, however I still think i've got a couple of weeks left until a drop. I'm finding it hard to find a picture of one...
  9. Darren5591

    How Long Has She Got Left?

    Defo still pregnant but a lot smaller, I fear she may have dropped the fry in the night and lost them/eaten. I can see a dark black area in the gravid spot, which suggests she is still holding fry. I will move her into the nursery with the danios to see how she gets on. Molly fry look so cute, I...
  10. Darren5591

    How Long Has She Got Left?

    Still waiting, she's got slightly smaller though but being in the trap then she shouldn't of eaten any fry (should there of been any born). I'm going to wait now until she gets bigger again, and then make sure she's watched 24/7 hehe.
  11. Darren5591

    How Long Has She Got Left?

    It'll be having an Epidural lol, I feel like an expectant father haha. Birthing tank cycled, only trace nitrate so not too worried. I have put her in a breeding net for now but as she hasn't had the babies yet I may move her into the other tank today.
  12. Darren5591

    Platy Birthing Procedure

    Heya :) I've got a pregnant platy, who will be giving birth in the next week or so. I've never done anything like this before so want to get it right first time round! I've got two tanks, a 64 litre tank and a 25 litre. The plan is to use the 25 as a birthing pool, when the fry have matured...
  13. Darren5591

    How Long Has She Got Left?

    Ooo i'll get the birthing stuff set up in the other tank then! They are lovely, going from a deep royal blue to bright blue in different light. Can't wait to see the fry, be interesting to see which male has struck lucky :lol:
  14. Darren5591

    How Long Has She Got Left?

    I'd say reclusive, but swims around happy enough. Goes from sitting still for a while to darting around. Is that a good sign? Thanks :)
  15. Darren5591

    How Long Has She Got Left?

    I've got (what i'm very sure of) is a pregnant platy, she is starting to square off very nicely and I can see the dark gravid spot area. She is only slightly smaller than the examples in the sticky topics, which suggests she hasn't got long to go. I have taken some pics (sorry they aren't great)...
  16. Darren5591

    Juvi Balloon Molly

    Lost her this morning :( Very sad, she had no strength and just drifted away. Absolutely gutted, had her from fry and watched her grow and grow. Hopefully she's in a better place.
  17. Darren5591

    Juvi Balloon Molly

    Heya, Came home yesterday to find my juvi balloon molly trapped in between my C02 distributor thing which is stuck to the side of my tank. I managed to free her, not knowing how long she had been stuck there for. She quickly reclused away, and now she won't come out to feed and I can't see her...
  18. Darren5591

    Moving My Fish Back Home

    Good tank to be honest, i'm now running a second smaller 25 litre as a hospital/birthing tank. Filter is great for what it is, a good clean every couple of weeks in tank water is all it needs, I find it filters a lot better without the venturi thing and the fish aren't too bothered. Never had a...
  19. Darren5591

    Breeding/fry Tank Setup

    Good i'll get it ordered then. It has slots at the bottom for the intake so you're right in putting foam, otherwise I might not find any of the fry! You can turn off the venturi, or if you leave it long enough it decides to make itself useless anyway ;) I think my LFS has a sale on at the...
  20. Darren5591

    Breeding/fry Tank Setup

    I was looking at the Interpet PF mini, this does around 200lph and I have a PF2 filter in my 60litre so I know the design etc. Would this be suitable?
  21. Darren5591

    Breeding/fry Tank Setup

    I understand, the tank will be on a cabinet so will mean that I could place paper underneath. Can you recommend me a small filter that would be up to the job? Obviously nothing overly powerful, just enough to maintain water quality and oxygenate the water.
  22. Darren5591

    Breeding/fry Tank Setup

    Thanks for your advice, would it be worth a sand substrate then? Someone mentioned that trying "marbles" which provide protection for the fry in the first few hours, alongside java moss.
  23. Darren5591

    Breeding/fry Tank Setup

    Just to add, the idea wouldn't be to keep them all on. Some would be taken to my LFS, as they take in any fish (to an extent) and offer credit. This isn't a money making scheme ha, just a good way to offload some of them if i find I have more than expected.
  24. Darren5591

    Breeding/fry Tank Setup

    So leave the tank barebottomed, plenty of java moss and fresh food (live bloodworm is sold down the road from me from the LFS). I've got plenty of time to get the tank cycled, I dont know whether its worth trying to cycle it fishless, or because i've got fish available, use them for their bio...
  25. Darren5591

    Breeding/fry Tank Setup

    Thanks again, good ideas. I have some rummynose tetra in the 64 litre at the moment, with them being a shoaling fish I decided that it was best to give them the room to shoal in. How difficult are these to breed? Would it be a good idea to set up the birthing tank anyway, get the filter media...
  26. Darren5591

    Breeding/fry Tank Setup

    Hi mate, Thanks very much for your advice and guidance :good: I saw these pictures on one of the FAQ's and did question myself to whether I thought they would be larger. Would you suggest another type of livebearer that would be more suitable? I'd really like to breed, and i'm prepared to...
  27. Darren5591

    Breeding/fry Tank Setup

    Thanks for your advice. I also have a 64 litre tank available, the idea is to get the fry to a level in which they are "generally" safe from being eaten, then move them over. If plenty of the fish survive, I will probably take them to the LFS as I get credit for them. As a first timer I thought...
  28. Darren5591

    Breeding/fry Tank Setup

    Hey guys, Going to have a go at breeding some mollies, just something I fancy trying as I have a spare tank with the equipment. I think I have everything, however i'd like to be certain in case i've forgotten something crucial.I have read the FAQ's for advice and I am confident I am up to the...
  29. Darren5591

    Upgrade My Tank Already?

    Thanks for your reply :) Its a large tank and for this size I think it would be the absolute limit I could go to. The current cabinet the tank sits on is actually part of my room furniture and with it being designed for light use, meant I had to support it otherwise it bowed (which it did...
  30. Darren5591

    Upgrade My Tank Already?

    Hey everyone, I've recently gone from a 25ltr to a 64ltr tank for my bedroom. Its sitting on my desk and I have had to re-enforce the plinth to ensure it is solid. I've finally got it to a level where I feel like I know what i'm doing, and fishkeeping for around 7 months I have learned a lot. I...
  31. Darren5591

    Undergravel Filters

    Ahh thanks for your help guys, I guess they aren't very popular now then! I think i'll leave it, I have a PF2 interpet filter/pump so that should be able to cope fine.
  32. Darren5591

    Undergravel Filters

    Hi guys, I've currently upgraded my 25litre tank to a 64litre one, and i'm looking to invest in an undergravel filter. At the moment I have an electric gravel filter but this isn't great and i'd like something a bit less troublesome. I was recommended to get one of these undergravel filters...
  33. Darren5591

    Moving My Fish Back Home

    Good news! Bought a new tank! 64 litre interpet fishpod, came to £100 for the tank, 150watt heater and the PF2 filter/pump. Got my birthday coming up too soon so looking to run a C02 kit for the plants. So much nicer to have the larger tank, and to have an individual dusk and daylight bulb pair...
  34. Darren5591

    Moving My Fish Back Home

    Indeed it does make sense, I've had an idea of getting the new tank before I move back home (May 5th birthday woop) and doing a fishless cycle with the new equipment (a new heater, as the current is only 25 watts) and maybe a new filter/pump. The downside is that i'd have to purchase new gravel...
  35. Darren5591

    Moving My Fish Back Home

    Would this be the same even with 50% water removed? Thanks :)
  36. Darren5591

    Moving My Fish Back Home

    I reckon i'm going to take 50% water out, that way I don't have to bag them up, plus you're right, i'm sure they would prefer to stick in their own environment. With regards to the water tempreture, am I best when I have them home, put the fresh water in, add the stress coat/zyme and then let...
  37. Darren5591

    Moving My Fish Back Home

    Thanks for your advice :) I did think about draining 50% of the water out of the tank, bagging up all of the fish in breed, then bring it all over to my home with the tank. Would moving them with only 50% of the water be stressful for the fish? I wouldn't say the tank is overcrowded at the...
  38. Darren5591

    Moving My Fish Back Home

    Hi guys, I'm moving back home from University next month and want to start looking into moving my fish back home. I've got a 25 litre tank with 5 black phantom tetra's, 4 platys, a bulldog plec and a red finned shark. All get on really well and I want to upgrade my tank for when I move back...
  39. Darren5591

    Need Some Advice

    Hi guys, I've had my tank set up for around a month now, I have a shoal of 6 zebra danio's and a shoal of 5 tetra's. I lost one of the danio's to "slime and velvet" Disease and have since treated the water. One thing I have noticed is that the danio's are starting to look a bit shabby, their...
  40. Darren5591


    Wow cheers for the replys guys, very useful. Since flushing and washing any gravel/ornamants, there is no cloudness at all. I have a couple of other issues now I'd like to address :) There is a white "slime" which has appeared on the the suckers of the pump and on the heater. Is this anything...