Undergravel Filters


New Member
Mar 13, 2010
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Hi guys,

I've currently upgraded my 25litre tank to a 64litre one, and i'm looking to invest in an undergravel filter. At the moment I have an electric gravel filter but this isn't great and i'd like something a bit less troublesome. I was recommended to get one of these undergravel filters when I started out, but didn't think it was nessesary until now. I've got a couple of questions about them also, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

1. What exactly do they do?
2. What equipment will I need?
3. My LFS doesn't stock the undergravel filters, is this common?

Any help is very useful!

Thanks, #43###
I didn't know anyone used them anymore! That's why the LFS doesn't stock them. They're ineffecient, a pain, and messy. Rather go for a proper cannister filter and water pump. You can get one that sits inside your tank, or an external one.
Yup under gravel filter are messy and a pain! I would just get a good filter that states it will be ok for a 64 litre tank that you just stick tot he side of the tank. Although the under gravel filters do store lots of useful good bacteria which is a good thing. But they are a pain. It really depends on how much time you are willing to spend tidying the tank up.
Ahh thanks for your help guys, I guess they aren't very popular now then! I think i'll leave it, I have a PF2 interpet filter/pump so that should be able to cope fine.
Yes i have one of those filter and they seem great to me. They do the job at least!

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