How Long Has She Got Left?


New Member
Mar 13, 2010
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I've got (what i'm very sure of) is a pregnant platy, she is starting to square off very nicely and I can see the dark gravid spot area. She is only slightly smaller than the examples in the sticky topics, which suggests she hasn't got long to go. I have taken some pics (sorry they aren't great) but she seemed to be posing for them ha.


(one at the back)


Can anyone suggest how long she has left?

She's pretty close, I would say within a week. How is her behavior?
I'd say reclusive, but swims around happy enough. Goes from sitting still for a while to darting around. Is that a good sign? Thanks :)
Ooo i'll get the birthing stuff set up in the other tank then!

They are lovely, going from a deep royal blue to bright blue in different light. Can't wait to see the fry, be interesting to see which male has struck lucky :lol:
Ooo i'll get the birthing stuff set up in the other tank then!

They are lovely, going from a deep royal blue to bright blue in different light. Can't wait to see the fry, be interesting to see which male has struck lucky :lol:

i have visions of you setting up the birthing ball, gas n air :blush: :lol: :lol:

your birthing tank, is it cycled?
It'll be having an Epidural lol, I feel like an expectant father haha.

Birthing tank cycled, only trace nitrate so not too worried. I have put her in a breeding net for now but as she hasn't had the babies yet I may move her into the other tank today.
It'll be having an Epidural lol, I feel like an expectant father haha.

Birthing tank cycled, only trace nitrate so not too worried. I have put her in a breeding net for now but as she hasn't had the babies yet I may move her into the other tank today.

poor old girl, get her in that lovely big tank!! :good:
Still waiting, she's got slightly smaller though but being in the trap then she shouldn't of eaten any fry (should there of been any born). I'm going to wait now until she gets bigger again, and then make sure she's watched 24/7 hehe.
Defo still pregnant but a lot smaller, I fear she may have dropped the fry in the night and lost them/eaten. I can see a dark black area in the gravid spot, which suggests she is still holding fry. I will move her into the nursery with the danios to see how she gets on. Molly fry look so cute, I have a fat white one too, wonder if it's pregnant lol!
If you have seen a large change in the female's size you may well have lost a single drop. I find that my own livebearers seldom have been decimated by any change that I find on the internet. Instead I find that my own livebearers follow regularly available opportunities.

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