How Long Has She Got Left?

If you have seen a large change in the female's size you may well have lost a single drop. I find that my own livebearers seldom have been decimated by any change that I find on the internet. Instead I find that my own livebearers follow regularly available opportunities.

....and in english :blush: ...
Don't sweat the small stuff. Your fish will drop fry when they are good and ready. By setting up a tank to help the female livebearer be successful you can enjoy the kind of successes that I do. I am not any kind of expert but my livebearers almost always leave behind an excess of fry. I sell lots of livebearers at my local fish club auctions and always have plenty of fish to carry on the species that I have bred. My livebearers are a constant source of fish that I can sell to pay the feeding bills for all of my fish. Lately I have started to get into the wild type bettas and still have no experiences with them. If they can produce fry like my livebearers, I will have a new source of fish food compensations to use for feeding my fish.
Thanks for you advice :)

Shame I lost her first drop, but they come around often so shouldn't be too hard to spot the signs again!

Got a couple of silver/white mollys which are big, however I still think i've got a couple of weeks left until a drop. I'm finding it hard to find a picture of one about to have the fry, as the mollies look different in shape.

I have the danio's in the nursery at the moment (was establishing filter with them) but thinking about putting them in the large tank and putting the female mollies in there? Advice please :)

Defo still pregnant but a lot smaller, I fear she may have dropped the fry in the night and lost them/eaten. I can see a dark black area in the gravid spot, which suggests she is still holding fry. I will move her into the nursery with the danios to see how she gets on. Molly fry look so cute, I have a fat white one too, wonder if it's pregnant lol!

Is that the molly in the first picture with the platy?! Cause it certainly looks quite big! :)
You can expect a new guppy drop in about 4 weeks Darren. Mollies tend to run more like 6 weeks between drops.

Molly gave birth sometime this morning/afternoon. Luckely my mum came home early enough to spot the last remaining molly fry, I am on the hunt for more however I haven't found any. It is in the breeding trap at the moment, shall be moved over when its a couple of days old. Silver molly is back to normal size, the other is the same size as the one who has just given birth so I will be moving her over to the birthing pool/nursery very very soon :D
The newborn mollies tend to hide near the gravel itself Darren. Have a good hard look in that area.
Looked very hard and can't find any more. I have a couple of male gourami's in there so the chance of them surviving would be little I guess. The fry is in the breeding trap at the moment, should I move it into the larger net trap?
Checked this evening and found another one! A twin pair now, different fry drops as one is significantly larger than the other - more to come fingers crossed!
Haven't updated in a while...

Four molly fry now! over a week old, getting bigger by the day, moved on from liquifry and onto the finely crushed flakes, they love it! Who'd of though an old shot glass and a cocktail stick could be so handy :)

Also, my platy dropped her fry yesterday, managed to trap her in time (she had already given birth to two) and she presented me with 7 healthy babies. They are in the trap still, just being monitered until they are big enough to move into the larger net with the molly fry :)

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