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  1. mattyb75

    Treating My Main Tank

    Yes NH3 ammonia - 0 NO2 Nitrites - 0 NO3 Nitrates - 5 I use the Nutrifin mini master liquid kit my tank is 120 litres I have fed them frozen bloodworm (Not live) They have been acting normally, not flicking, no enlarged anus, eating normally. no frade fins or reddish marks, not white spot or...
  2. mattyb75

    Treating My Main Tank

    Hi I am very worried, I woke up this morning and noticed my 2 black mollies were missing, thinking they were hiding I left it an hour, then I fed them (thinking that might bring the mollies out of hiding) Still no black mollies, so decided to pull the rocks up and found 2 black mollies dead...
  3. mattyb75

    Dwarf Gouramies

    Has anyone got any dwarf gouramies? I have put 2 blue dwarf gouramies and 2 pearls in my main tank today and one of the dwarfs is really protective of his area, which extends to quarter of the tank. Do I have a bully? or do I have a fish thats just trying to be top dog(fish)? Any help on this...
  4. mattyb75

    Air Pumps

    I have a 120 litre tank with 5 golden cloud mountain minnows and 4 mollies.
  5. mattyb75

    Air Pumps

    Can you use too larger air pump? I am currently using the tetratec APS300 designed for 120-300litre tanks, my tank is 120 litres and I have both air outlets in use in my tank, is this too much? Any help is gratefully appreciated. Matt UK
  6. mattyb75

    Nipping Mollies

    Can Clown Loaches co-exist happily with Guppies? I am looking at getting 4-5 Guppies before the Loach. Matt
  7. mattyb75

    Nipping Mollies

    Do you really think so Chris?
  8. mattyb75

    Complete Noob

    Welcome, as a nooby, I would look at a tank size of 50-60 litres, otherwise you will have more problems with controlling your Nitrite(NO2) and Ammonia(NH3) levels. If you go a head with the tank you describe in the post, make sure you have a good (liquid) test kit. Matt 6 Cardinal Tetras...
  9. mattyb75

    The Essex Aquatics Association

    Hi Vic, I am in Burnham-on-Crouch. I have recently entered the world of fish keeping. My email is [email protected] could you let me know when the next meeting is and where. Regards Matt
  10. mattyb75

    Clear Poo

    I would take a sample of the fish waste to your LFS they may be able to put it under the microscope to check for parasites. Matt
  11. mattyb75

    Nipping Mollies

    My PH is 7, NH3 is 0, NO2 is 0.1, NO3 is 5 I did a 20% water change last night. Yes the tank looks very empty with just 4 mollies. I am hoping to get some Clown Loach in a few months time. Matt
  12. mattyb75

    Nipping Mollies

    The tank is nearly 8 weeks old, I also used a mature filter off a friends system. I dont want to fully stock the tank too early as this will affect the cycle wouldn't it? Got up this morning and they are fine not jostling or nipping. think it may of been the stress of transporting from LFS to...
  13. mattyb75

    Strange Poo

    I may be new to this, but what you describe about the waste (being stringy and white) sounds like an internal bacteria problem. I would take a sample of the waste to your LFS and see if they can test it. Matt
  14. mattyb75

    Nipping Mollies

    My Tank is 120 litres, at the moment they are the only fish in the tank, as I don't want to over whelm the cycle and filter. Matt
  15. mattyb75

    Nipping Mollies

    Hello I am new to this forum, I have recently bought 4 Mollies, 1-male(black, 1-female(black) and 2-female(white). I have noticed that the 2 black Mollies are more aggressive than the white ones, is this normal or are they just sorting out the peckinbg order? Any help would be gratefully...