Clear Poo


Fish Crazy
Jan 31, 2010
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Central Illinios
Every once in a while my platies/guppies will poop clear poo. I've heard that this can be a sign of internal parasites. My fish are healthy and eat well so I don't know what's causing it. Constipation maybe? I did have a large number of mystery deaths last month so I want to take extra precautions so I don't lose any more fish. Should I treat for parasites just in case or would that be bad for the fish? I also have a mystery snail. Would the medication harm the snail?
I would take a sample of the fish waste to your LFS they may be able to put it under the microscope to check for parasites.

Clear mucas poo can be internal parasites, bacterial infection, the fish isn't eating.

Signs of internal parasites are.
Fish will look skinny or bloated.
Long stringy white poo, or clear mucas poo, red poo.
Enlarged anus, red inflamed anus.
Worms prutruding from the anus.
Fish will sometimes swim on it's side.
Sunken in belly.
Bent spine sometimes.
Spitting food out.
Not eating.
Sometimes flicking and rubbing.
About a month ago lots of my fish died with some of these symptoms. Should I go ahead and treat the fish? What can I treat them with?
Which symtoms did they show. It will help point it towards which desease.
The only symptoms they had were bent spine on one of the guppies and they didn't eat and they sometimes had clear poo. The symptoms would arrive days or even hours before their death.
Bent spine, injury, birth defect, old age, vitamin deficiency, fish tb, internal parasites.

All you can do is worm your fish for camallanous worms.
What's your location?

It's hard to say fish tb without the fish showing most of the symtoms.
Bent spine, injury, birth defect, old age, vitamin deficiency, fish tb, internal parasites.

All you can do is worm your fish for camallanous worms.
What's your location?

It's hard to say fish tb without the fish showing most of the symtoms.
I don't think they had fish TB (or at least I hope to god they didn't). I live in the USA. Illinois to be specific.
The best med for camallanous worms is levaimsole.
is there any UK meds that will do this as we cant get that over here?...also does the parasite effect snails and shrimp...(accepted that the cure may kill them)

You need to remove snails and shrimps when using parasite meds.

There this med in the uk for camallanous worms.
Let me know how you get on if you don't mind.
Good Luck.

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