Treating My Main Tank


New Member
Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
Essex, England
Hi I am very worried, I woke up this morning and noticed my 2 black mollies were missing, thinking they were hiding I left it an hour, then I fed them (thinking that might bring the mollies out of hiding)
Still no black mollies, so decided to pull the rocks up and found 2 black mollies dead under a rock, there was no external abnormalities, but thinking about it last night the male did have red feces.
I checked online to see if it was normal or not, and I everyone told me it was probably the dye in the food.
I fear I have internal parasites or internal bacteria problems.
I have 3 clown loach, 2 white mollies and 5 golden cloud mountain minnows.
I really need to treat the tank, but I have clown loach!
How can I treat the tank with those little guys in there?

My water parameters are

My tank is several months old, also I live in the UK.

Any help would gratefully appreciated

How many gallons is the tank.
Do you feed bloodworms.

Signs of internal parasites are.
Long stringy white poo, clear mucas poo, red poo.
Fish will look skinny or bloated.
Sunken in belly.
Enlarged anus, red inflamed anus.
Fish will sometimes swim on it's side.
Sometimes fish will have a bent spine.
Spitting food out.
Not eating.
Sometimes flicking and rubbing.

Is the first result the ammonia reading, as you have two no3 results.
What test kit do you use?
Yes NH3 ammonia - 0
NO2 Nitrites - 0
NO3 Nitrates - 5
I use the Nutrifin mini master liquid kit

my tank is 120 litres
I have fed them frozen bloodworm (Not live)
They have been acting normally, not flicking, no enlarged anus, eating normally. no frade fins or reddish marks, not white spot or blemishies.

If there no signs of internal parasites it sounds like the bloodworms then. Causing the red poo.
If any changes get back to teh board.

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