Strange Poo


Dec 6, 2009
Reaction score
Oregon IL
ok here goes:
29G tall
2 angels (small)
2 blue dwarf gouramis
1 black neon
2 scissor tail rasboras
1 platy
1 swordtail
1 pleco (will be rehomed due to bad LFS advice when he is bigger)
2 small dojos (will be rehomed to my sons 55G tank when bigger)

Tank is slightly overstocked but all fish are juveniles. Tank was set up in January with an established filter.
50% water changes weekly
2 aquaclear 200 filters
air bubbler

Water stats
Ph 7.6
Amonia 0
nitrites 0
nitrates 20
temp 78F

My gouramis look bloated. When they pooh it is a long, white, and stringy. After it is in the tank for awhile it spreads out and almost looks like something has shed it's skin? Could be constipation or internal parasites? I've treated the tank with Parasite Clear tablets (on Saturday) will do again on Monday after a 25% water change. I have also not fed them since Saturday morning anything but peas otherwise they get a variety of foods like flake food, dried brine shrimp, shrimp pellets, dried bloodworms, etc. Is there anything else I can do? or should be doing??

Sounds to me like your doing all you can at the moment, but hopefully wilder will be along soon and she is the person who will be able to guide you more if needed "shes a genius"...
Freeze dried foods are notorious for causing constipation and swim bladder problems.
To many dried foods.
Introduce some frozen food into there diet like daphia (which helps the fish digest it's food). Brime shrimp.
Also introduce some green veg into there diet.

Don't over feed freeze dried foods.
I would only feed them twice a week. Not alot.
I may be new to this, but what you describe about the waste (being stringy and white) sounds like an internal bacteria problem.
I would take a sample of the waste to your LFS and see if they can test it.

I may be new to this, but what you describe about the waste (being stringy and white) sounds like an internal bacteria problem.

I would take a sample of the waste to your LFS and see if they can test it.

Long stringy white poo can be constipation, bacterial infection, internal parasites.
To many dried foods can lead to constipation.
I have purchased frozen foods to interchange with everything else.

This is what I had in my tank today and what I meant by it looks like something has shed it's skin.

Sure it's not a piece of filter floss or matting.
Don't no. Never kept them.
Ask in tropical discussion. More members to over there.
Don't no. Never kept them.
Ask in tropical discussion. More members to over there.

Ok thanks!

As an updat though, I lost one angel but the rest of the fish seem to be doing better. Fortunately it was not a "pair" of angels so the ohter one doesn't seem to be too affected by it.
Bless Him.
Thanks Wilder :(

I think I found the answer to the strange pooh. After googling I found that dojo's do occasionally shed. My loaches have grown so I'm going to go with either they are shedding or perhaps a cobweb fell in the tank!
Never knew that.
Learn something new today.

Good luck with the rest of the fish.

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