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  1. nork

    Filter Died, What Do I Do?

    Thanks guys. I went q-tip crazy on it and nothing would happen. It wouldn't even give out the humm of electric current, wouldn't start, was as if I wasn't plugging it in at all. I ran to PetSmart, grabbed a new OTB filter (same model) and will end up ordering a canister filter soon, but this...
  2. nork

    Filter Died, What Do I Do?

    I took it apart, the impeller spins freely, but nothing happens when the filter is plugged in. No sounds, no buzzing, nothing.
  3. nork

    Filter Died, What Do I Do?

    I have a Marineland Penguin filter that just stopped working. I've tried plugging it into a different outlet that I know works and it won't come on. This is my only filter, what can I do to ensure the safety of my fish? I'm thinking my only other option right now is to run down to PetSmart...
  4. nork

    Love Is In The Water

    It appears that it was removed, he was probably banned as well. The person only had 1 post count, and that post was whatever it was he put in this thread. So does anybody have any suggestions on what I need to be doing with my possibly soon-to-be parents? Edit - btw, your av is hilarious.
  5. nork

    Love Is In The Water

    Ha, I am just as confused by his spammy, nonsensical comment as the rest of yas, I just had to BS him a bit.
  6. nork

    Love Is In The Water

    Thanks! My male bumblebee has been the pride and joy of my tank. He's huge in comparison to all the others, and they were all about the same size when I brought them home. He's got beautiful, healthy fins, he's never boring to watch, changes colors from looking just like the female does in...
  7. nork

    Love Is In The Water

    Hello folks, it's been a while. Just a quick followup, my tank variables have been level for quite some time. The fish are happy and healthy and my bumblebees have been growing like crazy. I took a video of my male trying to entice the female into starting a family and I think it's worked...
  8. nork

    What Sand For Tropical Tank Setup?

    This is what I did as well. I used a 5 gallon bucket, filled it up about 1/4 of the way with play sand, and stuck a hose in and rinsed. After a few minutes of water spilling over the top, I'd agitate the sand a bit to allow the lighter particles to spill over the top. I did this several times...
  9. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    I've been busy with Spring time activities lately. Not too busy to take care of my tank, just haven't been able to get online much with yard work, Easter, enjoying this lovely weather we've been having, etc... Anyway, figured I'd give an update. I have lost another fish or two since my last...
  10. nork

    Please Help Me Figure Out This Mystery/mess

    Hey Karin, Just got your message. Glad to see you got things worked out, sorry for the Angel loss, though. :( Keep us posted!
  11. nork

    Fishless Cycling

    kiriyama, If you're referring to live plants, then understand that I'm by far not an expert on the subject, so don't take this and run with it, but I was informed by multiple people on this forum that it's ok, and sometimes almost suggested, to put your plants in during the cycling period. Of...
  12. nork

    Very Stupid Question

    Good night everybody, tip your waitress! I used a mixture of liquid dishsoap and water in a cheap $1 spray bottle. Spray the back glass, stick on the background, and work out the bubbles with a rubber squeegee, driver's license, credit card, etc.
  13. nork

    Fishless Cycling

    I would suggest you use the Calculator up at the top of this page to figure out how much ammonia you'll need to add (the tool for this is at the very bottom of that Calculator page). It'll all depend on the size of your tank coupled with the strength of your ammonia (9%, 10%, etc (the bottle...
  14. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    Yeah, I really don't understand it either. I haven't been in the cycling know as long as you have, but I did everything the best I knew how to, and relayed all information here as accurately as I could. And yes, you're right, it was about a week that my cycle appeared to be complete.
  15. nork

    You Tube

    My links are a bit different than the rest. I absolutely LOVE YouTube. I love all that you can find there, from the serious, to the individuality, to the politcal, to the creative, to the humorous, and everything in between.
  16. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    I've lost all 4 aceis, 2 bumblebees, and 1 electric yellow. I have one albino zebra that is keeping to itself in the back corner of the tank, just like most of the others did, so I'm thinking it won't be around much longer. :( The other 2 bumblebees (especially the two bumblebees) and the...
  17. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    I, too, was surprised by the overall health of the fish. They appeared to be no more or less healthy than the ones at my LFSs. The main things that turn me off when it comes to stocking with Pet Smart fish is 1. Being a big chain, I wonder where they obtain their fish. 2. The employees...
  18. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    Pet Smart is like the Wal Mart of pet stores. They sell overpriced "specialty" dogfoods, medicine, toys, hamsters, birds, fish, etc.. But as far as LFS, there's a surprisingly slim selection of shops around here. I located 4 shops that sell fish, 2 are owned by the same people and have the...
  19. nork

    Changing Water

    As someone who's performed many water changes on a 60 gal tank in the last week, I will also suggest a Python or homemade version. Actually, I don't have a Python, as the only local one I could find was $80 or $90 USD for the 50' version. I can get it for much less online and I only need the...
  20. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    Just found one of the electric yellows behind the rocks laying on its side breathing heavily, then 5 minutes later it was dead. It had no discolorations, no odd lumps or bumps, it looked completely healthy. I have noticed one of the yellows (probably him, but not sure) keeping to himself a...
  21. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    Wow, so I just get home from work and that acei with the swelling was laying in the bottom of the tank dead with a huge hole in its stomach, it was completely gutted. I'm a little weirded out.
  22. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    Testing nitrites today brought back a lavender color, which I would guess is about .125 ppm. My acei is swimming around the tank now, the swelling appears to be going down slightly, but it's got a good portion of white discoloration around its left pectoral fin.
  23. nork

    Air Stones And Pumps

    I have this: It's been working for the last month and is super quiet.
  24. nork

    Test Kits

    I can't vouch for the brand, but it has basically what you need minus a nitrate test kit. Look for an API Master Test Kit if you can: It contains pH, high level pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate test kits and are highly rated.
  25. nork

    Pregnant? Constipated?

    I actually meant to post it in the emergency section, I guess I was just a bit panicked and in a rush and by habit came to this section. It appears this fishy may have "malawi bloat", all signs point to this. I'm not sure how to deal with it, either, as Clout is recommended but I'm having a...
  26. nork

    Pregnant? Constipated?

    I stocked my tank this past Saturday, and the biggest acei has been hanging out in the caves for the most part. Doesn't really eat much, doesn't explore the tank like the rest of the fish, it just swims from cave to cave. The first day I brought them home, this was the first fish I noticed...
  27. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    24 hour test shows better, but not perfect results. Nitrites at .25 ppm, hopefully this downward trend continues. I've been going light on the feeding these first couple of days, hope these guys aren't getting too hungry.
  28. nork

    Old Children's Tv Shows In The U.s

    You must really like Fraggle Rock. :P I don't blame you, though. I loved it, but hated the opening, it freaked me out to see the camera go behind the wall where all these fraggles are living and working. Whenever I'd take a bath and put my head under the water, I could hear the noises of the...
  29. nork

    Old Children's Tv Shows In The U.s

    Oh, also: Beakman's World Bobby's World Edit - Cripes, I forgot one of the best shows of them all: Pee-Wee's Playhouse!
  30. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    Ah, ok. So for now, just keep up the daily water changes? Should I do more than daily water changes? WCs every couple of days? Right now I'm going to test every evening after work and do the necessary water change to reach 0 ppm until this is under control. Is this too often or not enough?
  31. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    So at this point I basically daily water changes until everything is settled? The bacteria bloom, is it a good thing or bad thing?
  32. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    Full test kit readings on tank water are: Ammonia - 0 ppm Nitrite - .25-.5 ppm appx Nitrate - 5.0 pH - 8.2 Nitrates in un-treated tap water is: 0 ppm The tank water today is a bit milky looking. As you can see from my video in my diary thread, it's been crystal clear up until today.
  33. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    Today's test reveals ammonia levels at 0 ppm, and nitrites at somewhere between .25-.5 ppm. The test tube showed a pastel purple, so I'm putting it somewhere between those two colors. Another partial water change it is!
  34. nork

    Wow, Look! It's... Another Fishless Cycle Diary?

    That's the only thing I could think of. I know for a fact I read all test readings correctly, as well as reporting them here, I was constantly checking the thermometer every day, always at 84*F, very anal about testing the water at the same, specific times each day. As well as adding the same...
  35. nork

    Old Children's Tv Shows In The U.s

    Double Dare 2000? Man, I grew up watching the original children's Double Dare hosted by Marc Summers. Duck Tales Talespin Ren and Stimpy Animaniacs Salute Your Shorts TMJT He-Man Smurfs Fragglerock Heathcliff Garfield and Friends Flintstones Jetsons Tiny Toons Wild and Crazy Kids GUTS
  36. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    Thanks for the help! I tested before I went to dinner, if only just to put my mind at ease a bit while I ate, and it was about 10-15 after the last water change and it read appx 0 ppm. Tested when we got home and the test tube color was baby blue, but just slightly darker than the baby blue on...
  37. nork

    Wow, Look! It's... Another Fishless Cycle Diary?

    Excluding fins, there's not a fish over 2" long in my tank. I'm at work now so I can't really give a solid guess, but I'd say more of them are closer to the 2" range, but a few would be more like 1-1/2", so even at the max 2", all fish, including the plecos, would be 36" worth of fish.
  38. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    Ok, did another 70% or more water change and we're reading 0 ppm. Whew. I'll keep monitoring the parameters closely, though.
  39. nork

    Wow, Look! It's... Another Fishless Cycle Diary?

    Thanks guys. It may not look like it, but those stacks took at least 2 hours to do. I did it level by level, arranging every stone and slab so that it wouldn't rock at all. Some of the smaller black stones may only look decorative, but a couple of them are there to add just the right amount...
  40. nork

    Nitrite Spike After Stocking

    Ok, change 80% of the water and nitrites are down to .50 ppm levels tested after only 5 minutes. Should I let it sit for an hour before I test or should I be fine testing it almost immediately like I just did? I ask because we have dinner plans tonight and we'll be leaving within the next 30...