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  1. I

    Need Help With A Tank

    i seen this filtration system that you have to make a hole for it on the bottom of the tank is that one good?
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    Need Help With A Tank

    im going to buy a 110g tank what filtration system do i need
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    Getting A Tank

    new york, queens
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    Getting A Tank

    i was going to make a custom tank but im finding it really hard at doing so, if anyone can help im looking to GET A 110 G tank, what filters should i get, lights, heater and so forth
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    Cloudy Water

    okay did the 75% water change, the levels were perfect, this was on friday night, this morning it starting again to get cloudy not as much though, i have 2 filters one came with the tank and i put another one on it for 55g with a bio wheel
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    Best Filtration System

    the tank i intend to obtain in a few years should be 300 to 350 gallons, the one im custom purchasing is 120 so how long you think that would be suitable
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    Best Filtration System

    i didnt know that actually thanx alot
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    Best Filtration System

    i will evetually get a bigger tank but im getting them babies so it will take a llone time to get to adult size
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    Cloudy Water

    i changed 75% of the water , cleaned everything thoroughly , i tested the water 1 hr later everything was fine, i will test again and go accordingly to the ammonia and nit
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    Best Filtration System

    i want to know whats the best filtration system cause im going to have a 110 tank with oscars, green terror's , blue jack depmsey and an alligator gar
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    Cloudy Water

    last night i did about 75% water change , cleaned the tank really good, gravel moved plants and decorations the hole 9, i tested my water after an hr it was everything was 0 except nit was 5.0, im going to test it again today and go form there, im thinking of putting another filtration system...
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    Cloudy Water

    i keep doing water changes everyday, the ammonia doesnt go to 0, what should i do
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    Constructing My Own Tank

    i def deleted by accident , what should i do now
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    Constructing My Own Tank

    it wont let me post anythign there
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    Has My Tank Cycled?

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    Cloudy Water

    just changed 50% of the water and its .25 now the ammonia, i will test again tommorw and change 25% of the water, but to should i use the tablets to clear it up cause its still cloudy not as much as before
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    Constructing My Own Tank

    its $11 a sq ft, i just did the math just alone the glass is 300 pounds, i think im going to go smaller maybe 130g
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    Constructing My Own Tank

    should i use tempered glass or reg glass?
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    Cloudy Water

    i have plants in the water if i use the siphon i would have to take them out right
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    Cloudy Water

    about 12 and 4 babies guppies, i have 2 filters ones for 55g with a bio wheel, the other is up to 30g reg , i have gravel but im thinking of putting sand instead of gravel is it better then gravel?
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    Cloudy Water

    im in the process if building a new tank 190g
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    Cloudy Water

    im in the process if building a new tank 190g
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    Cloudy Water

    thanks alot man i had no idea about that
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    Cloudy Water

    29 g, molly's guppies, tetras, rainbow shark , 3 months ago about
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    Cloudy Water

    i tested yesterday ammonia .50 to 1.0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5.0 to 10.0
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    Cloudy Water

    my water keeps getting cloudy , i feed them very little once a day and still cloudy water, what could i do?
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    Constructing My Own Tank

    hahahahaha :lol:
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    Has My Tank Cycled?

    i tested i got .50 to 1.0 ammonia nitrite 0 nitrate 5.0 to 10.0
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    Constructing My Own Tank

    my friend owns a glass company so im prob going to use tempered glass that has a slight blue tint to it , metal case that goes along the bottom , top, and corners,
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    Constructing My Own Tank

    yea sorry lol the height is 2.5 , all together it 25 cubic ft, it comes out to almost 190g
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    Has My Tank Cycled?

    i use liquid test only, i get off work in a little i will post them up in a bit
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    point proven thanks alot :rolleyes:
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    Has My Tank Cycled?

    i changed my water about a week ago and its cloudy already, i feed them just enough, im going to do the testest today but what else could that be
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    anybody has any suggestions on books that will explain everything about keeping a tank, cycling ,etc
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    Has My Tank Cycled?

    sorry to interrupt but i have a fish tank for about 4 months and i do once a month test for ammonia etc, how often should i check it to see if it cycled
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    Constructing My Own Tank

    i am making my own tank, its measurements are going to be height=2ft, depth=2ft and length=5ft, 190 gallons, resting on a reinforced wooden/steel stand, it is going to be the home for cichlids and oscars, and maybe an arrowanah
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    Live Bearing Fish

    molly's and sword tails could interbreed?
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    i know male bettas are aggressive, are females aggressive as well
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    Live Bearing Fish

    i have molly's and guppies in my tank, how can you tell when there pregnant and how can you tell the molly's male from female?