Best Filtration System


New Member
Jan 11, 2010
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i want to know whats the best filtration system cause im going to have a 110 tank with oscars, green terror's , blue jack depmsey and an alligator gar
I'm going to have two fluval fx5's on my 150 gallon. A 110 gallon is only big enough for 2 adult oscars! :good:
I'm going to have two fluval fx5's on my 150 gallon. A 110 gallon is only big enough for 2 adult oscars! :good:

i will evetually get a bigger tank but im getting them babies so it will take a llone time to get to adult size
Oscars are such popular fish for obvious reasons and I would love to be able to keep them myself :sad:

If EVERYONE that tries/tried to keep Oscars got the right sized tank then I would go into the 'big tank business' as I would sell a lot :lol:

Sadly though there are all too many people getting small Oscars and kidding themselves that they will upgrade to a monster tank later but don't. As previously suggested, Oscars grow at such a rate it seems pointless getting them until the correct sized tank is available.

Not suggesting the OP is in this category :look:
Oscars are such popular fish for obvious reasons and I would love to be able to keep them myself :sad:

If EVERYONE that tries/tried to keep Oscars got the right sized tank then I would go into the 'big tank business' as I would sell a lot :lol:

Sadly though there are all too many people getting small Oscars and kidding themselves that they will upgrade to a monster tank later but don't. As previously suggested, Oscars grow at such a rate it seems pointless getting them until the correct sized tank is available.

Not suggesting the OP is in this category :look:
the tank i intend to obtain in a few years should be 300 to 350 gallons, the one im custom purchasing is 120 so how long you think that would be suitable

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