Search results

  1. L

    Wanted 2Ft Fish Tank Or Similar

    Hi we are looking for a fish tank that will be used to house gerbils, therefore we dont need a lid or a stand for it, so was just wondering if anybody had anything suitable for us. Let us know how much. Thanks for reading. Louise P.s we are in the bolton area but would be prepared to travel...
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    Thanks for your help. Ive been on preloved it is a great website and theres someone giving them away free which compared to pets at home 2 for £45!!! is brilliant. Just need to sort out a cage ive found one on ebay for £45 a 3 tier one as well. Just need to cover up the mesh. What would you...
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    We are considering getting 2 degus and just wanted some information about them by people who have had them before. Thanks
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    Our Two Tanks

    Tank number 1 Tank number 2 Here's one of our Betta, Button Hope these pics work!! Ive never used photobucket before!
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    Bubble Nests

    Our male betta has made a bubble nest in his tank and we dont know why, he lives alone in a 2ft divided tank, but at the moment he is the only occupant of the tank. Why do you think he has done this? Thanks
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    What Are Your Favourites And What Are You After?!

    Looking to get a group of 4 pandas soon, corys are just the cutiest looking tropical fish ... fact!
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    Pearl And Zebra Danios

    Yes they are being used to cycle the tank. Think we will be best taking her back and just keeping the other 4. Thanks for the help.
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    Pearl And Zebra Danios

    At our LFS the other day, we asked for 5 zebra danios but when we got home one of them didnt have any stripes and i believe it is a pearl danio. I guess we should have had a look in the bag before we came home but i didnt notice and the shop was very busy at the time so the staff were rushing a...
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    Whats Your Favourite Fish You Own And Why?

    My favourite fish is our C. trileanatus called Tyson, he is the first fish we ever got n hes sooo cute. at least i think hes a he.
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    Betta Getting Burned?

    I would have thought these fish tank heaters would be designed so they cant burn your fish otherwise theyd have a lot of angry customers :D
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    Pregnant Guppy And Her Fry

    Thanks for the reply but ive read that link and it doesnt say what to feed the fry on. Unless ive missed it !
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    Pregnant Guppy And Her Fry

    We have two female guppies both with a dark gravid patch and we discovered one fry. We dont know which is the mother but will she have any more or do they usually give birth to all at once? Also what do you need to feed the fry? Thanks
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    Is My Tank Overstocked

    Try using the community creator on this website. You just tell it what you have in and how many and how many litres the tank is and what filtration you have. Hope it helps!
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    Pets At Home

    We have had 4 fish from Pets At Home and they have all died, they got white spot we told the store and they said it could have been caused by stress in transporting them but its never happened to any of the other fish weve got from LFS's. Dont know whether it was our fault that they died coz we...
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    Filter Always Slipping Down!

    We have the interpet PF2 and it slips down too. I just rested the bottom of it on the gravel and it seems fine.
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    Nice pics. On picture number 70 what is that fish called? Its nice!
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    Gallery Pictures Of My Fish & New Babies & My Red Claw Crab

    I think your catfish is a corydoras julii. The search results on google try to say that its a corydoras trilineatus but they have three lines hence the name and if i remember rightly alot of people label the above mentioned 2 corys wrong. But dont quote me on that haha. Nice photos by the way :)
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    Betta Splenden And Guppies

    Ok thanks. Might try a female and keep an eye on her, if any problems im sure the lfs will take her back. They are just so pretty arent they.
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    My Filter Keeps Eating My Fish!

    We have the PF2 model and 4 neon tetra and not had a problem with it, it says for tanks starting at 45L but its probably slightly larger than the PF1. *counts tetras*
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    Which Cory?

    Are you in the UK? The corydoras trilineatus was the first one we got it was a few months back but he was only about £3ish. We bought a corydoras habrosus yesterday for £1.50.
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    Betta Splenden And Guppies

    Thanks for the help. How about a female SFF would she be as intimidated by the guppies as the male or not?
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    Which Cory?

    How about the corydoras trilineatus? Very cute and they will grow to about 5cm i think. Also the panda corys will grow to about the same size.
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    Betta Splenden And Guppies

    I was just wondering can you keep a SFF with guppies, i think ive read somewhere that they may think the guppy is another SFF but thought id ask if anyone has any experience of them. Thanks
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    When Can I Add More Fish?

    Thanks. Yeah we have some of those 6in1 test strips and also a separate test for NH3. We tested for NH3 and it showed up very little if none. The tank is 60 litres. We have an interpet internal power filter PF2 for tanks up to approx 90 litres.
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    When Can I Add More Fish?

    Hello everyone We have a 64L tank that has been up and running for about 6 weeks now. After about a week, we added 2 guppys, 2 swordys and 2 mollies along with a corydoras catfish that we had in a previous tank. One of the guppys and both mollies died. Today we have added 4 neon tetras. Ive...