Whats Your Favourite Fish You Own And Why?

Probably my neon sword tail (clyde)
not for he's so beautiful resons either.
i've had him for like 3 months now.....longer than any other fish i have.
i guess i have some kind of fish bond with him. he's definitely a die hard having been through alot.
when i first got him i just put him i "lee's kritter keeper" with a female (bonnie R.I.P) and my mom put tap water in (eek!)
the same day i decided to take him with me to my nanna's house ( 45 min car drive).
the next day i found the female dead but him alive so i took him home (ANOTHER 45 min car drive plus we stopped for doughnuts where i also felt inclined to take him inside. so for two months he lived in that nasty half a quarter gallon kritter keeper til i put him in a half gallon bowl.
and later a 20 gallon fish tank with CICHLIDS! he was eventually mauled by a jewel cichlid taking off his "swordtail" and big chunk of his spinal fin.
the next day i took the cichlids back and got guppy mollies and albino corys.
to this day he is still recover from the attack (in his 1st or 2nd week). his spine fin is already grown back its just the skin isnt back yet. the "swordtail" has yet to make progress though.
At the moment, my little dwarf puffer "Tiny Tim" is a tower of strength in the character stakes ! It shocks me how a creature the size of a pea can control our household (including all the humans !).

Second would be "Slim", my gluttonous Angelfish, who has wormed his way into my heart.
My favourite fish is our C. trileanatus called Tyson, he is the first fish we ever got n hes sooo cute. at least i think hes a he.
I'd have to say 1st place my dojo/weather loaches, they are proper comics. the way they zoom around flat out then just stop and glide to a rest on anything they can get near.
2nd place my female silver molly, she's a hardy little fish, went to the brink of no return recently when she got herself trapped under some bogwood, her eye almost popped out, her head was grazed and her fins pecked at by something in my community, after a couple of weeks of respite in my hospital tank she's almost back to normal, eyes gone back to the right size and shape if not quite the right colour, and her grazes have gone and fins starting to regrow.
3rd place would be my bigger silver dollar, always active, follows me around when ever i go near the tank, pinches my plecs wafers from in front of them and swims round nibbling the edges of them

mind you to be honest there all my favorites including my new surprise addition of a rainbow shark (was supposed to have been a rts) but he/she's beautiful
My pair of Panda Corys, they never seem to stop moving and are hysterical to watch. Along with the fact they clean up also
My Dojo Loach or as my girlfriend calls him Mr.Loachy funny to watch as he bolts around the tank and buries down with his head poking out asif hes invisible. :good:

im with you. my favourites have got to be my two Dojo/Weather Loaches. mine are huge now and not as active as they used to be. but when they do feel like being social they go crazy boltin around the tank. i like also how the two of them wrap up with each other almost tying themselves up in a knot

These two are closely followed by my dwarf giraffe catfish. these two are funny lookin but super rad fish.

am i reading right about yours almost tying themselves in a knot, do they do this whilst swimming or whilst stationary ?? from what I've heard from a breeder if it's happening whilst swimming that sort of behaviour is usually common in breeding (even if breeding isn't common), I've been doing loads of research in to breeding weather/ dojo loaches as it's my ultimate goal to be able to breed them as they are such funny characters and everyone who see's mine always asks where they can get one from, and the truth is there quite hard to find round here.

for me i think my favorite fish has got to be a pair of panda garras,they are good to watch as they are always full of energy,chasing each other around the tank and having play fights.i have just moved them from a small 30 litre tank into a 3ft 110 litre tank so cant wait to watch them in a larger playground!!!
So far, dwarf puffers, they are awesome, and in the near future, im getting a green spotted puffer, so hopefully that will be the next answer :hyper:
Have a few at the mo, after setting up my new tank in June, I have never seen the Khuli loaches that I moved over from the old tank and to be honest thought must have passed away. But for some reason after the water change last friday they've all suddenly re-appeared and are zooming all over the tank, it's great to see them again, in fact may get a few more!!

But in my other tank I have Morris - my blind DT Betta, he's great, some of the positions he ends up in, obviously no flares, so shame can't see him in all his glory, but it does mean he can have a few tank mates, that he totally ignores, although he stops dead when he comes into contact with the cherry shrimps feelers, don't think he's worked out what they are.

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