Betta Getting Burned?


Oct 13, 2009
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Boston Area
My betta frequently hides behind the heater in his tank. He usually just hides behind the two suction cups, not near the heating elements. However, I have seen him swim behind the heating element, and his fins frequently brush up against it. Is there a risk that he will get seriously burned, and if so, what should I do about it?
I would have thought these fish tank heaters would be designed so they cant burn your fish otherwise theyd have a lot of angry customers :D
No he shouldn't burn, and if he gets too hot he'll move.

All the same, if he hides a lot in just that one place it could indicate that there are too few places for him to feel safe and the heater may be his only refuge.

How big is his tank and how have you arranged it? What plants do you have> What hiding places?

A picture of your tank would help to see if there's something we could do to make him more comfortable and come out more when he feels safe.
my guy usually hides out by the heater even though he has coconut caves, plants, almond leaves the lot. I reckon he goes for a warm, and he never comes out injured
Ok, I was just making sure he is safe :good:

He's got plenty of places to hide in his 10 gallon-big rock cave, clumps of java moss, driftwood etc., and thats not the only place he hides, and whenever I walk in front of the tank, he swims out and expects food, little glutton :lol:. He also hides behind other things, but that seems to be his favorite spot.

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