Search results

  1. pjandnoo

    Diy Led Hood Build

    I have messaged them to find out the wattages, only reason I thought of these were I recently had a kitchen replaced and we had some downlighters put in the ceilings and plinth LEDs were mentioned lol. Will pass on the info when I hear back. Paul
  2. pjandnoo

    Diy Led Hood Build

    Hi, Just came across your posts as am starting to think my lid on my 5ft'r needs replacing. Found this item on eBay, ( 160619453353 ) would these work? Never really thought about using led lights before as the main lighting option but makes sense as opposed to the power hunger fluorescent...
  3. pjandnoo

    If You Have Some Spare Cash How About This?

    Shame it.cant.make a cuppa as well.
  4. pjandnoo


    Thanks for answering that for me guys. I normally buy the king British one which goes quite far but will order some of the pond doctor stuff now. Cheers
  5. pjandnoo


    I came across the Pond doctor on Shebay and for £20 english pounds I can get a 2.5litre bottle which will treat over 56,000 litres. Am I missing something? Water treatment is water treatment wether it be ponds or aquariums?? Is everyone already buying this and not saying anything :blush:
  6. pjandnoo

    All Pond Solutions 2000

    It's a good pump isn't it? I had to modify the inlet and outlet pipes using some of the flexi pipe supplied with it as there was just too many joins and weak points. Impressed with the noise level too. Highly recommend this filter if anyone is looking for one and no I don't work for them ;0)
  7. pjandnoo

    Mt Snails

    Please delete post, all gone now. Paul
  8. pjandnoo

    Snails Or Loaches?

    It's a 5ft tank approx 450 litres, we have about 20 peppered cories now so will leave it at that me thinks. Think someone told me about loaches but think that was a bit of wrong info? Know what you mean about.cories, excellent to watch going about their business :rolleyes:
  9. pjandnoo

    Snails Or Loaches?

    I have just set up my new tank and need something to move the sand around, I have previously used Malaysian trumpet snails but wanted to try something else. I have read about Khuli loaches but never had any before. Any stories or advice would be grateful Thanks in advance. Paul
  10. pjandnoo

    For The Money Suggest Something Else .....

    If you can wait a few weeks I will be selling my aqua one 980 if your interested?
  11. pjandnoo

    Black Sand

    Have a look on all pond solutions website, noticed they had black sand and gravel for sale.
  12. pjandnoo

    Assassin Snails

    Typical too late ;o) Can you pm me when you have some more of these fellows to ship out please. Ta Paul
  13. pjandnoo

    Advice On Renewing My Filter System.

    Thanks for the reply. We have previously tried putting some filter wool in the "hole" as mentioned but this caused the water level to rise in the trough and had a bit of an issue with flooding ;o(. Think this may be a cheaper option and worth another try tho. Will keep you posted. Thanks again...
  14. pjandnoo

    Advice On Renewing My Filter System.

    It is all still running at the moment until we decide what to do. The Aqua one has three baskets that start with ceramic tubes then black sponge and then a tray with carbon and white sponge. We was looking at the Fluval 305 earlier which might be an option.
  15. pjandnoo

    Advice On Renewing My Filter System.

    We have a Aqua one 980 tank with the overhead filter system that (touch wood) has been excellent. Only downside of this system we can see is the constant trickling noise! :music: So we are thinking of changing the pump/filter system to one that sits inside the cabinet. Firstly, can anyone...
  16. pjandnoo

    Test Kit

    I would agree with OM47, I have an API kit too and used it thouroughly when we was cycling but now only use it when something goes wrong. It too now gathers dust :hey:
  17. pjandnoo

    What's Wrong?

    50% water change twice a week sounds a bit much to me, I only do a 50% once a week as I feel it give the good bacterias a chance to recoup after a water change and gives the fishes a chance to relax afterwards! Might be worth taking a water sample to a decent LFS and get them to test it and have...
  18. pjandnoo

    Mts's Free Just Pay For P&p

    Still have some snails for re-homing if anyone is interested? £2.50 p&p sent 1st class recorded delivery!
  19. pjandnoo

    Panda Cory

    Just noticed on one of my junior pandas a red colouring on side side of its body just behind its eye :sad: . It seems lethargic and its trying to keep out of the way of everything else. Any ideas? Thanks in advance guys.
  20. pjandnoo

    Mts's Free Just Pay For P&p

    Pm me your details ok. I am posting some out on monday so I can add you to the list. Paul Pm and I will give you my address pop a couple of quid in the post if you want to take the chance :unsure: . I was dosing my other tank with some medicine that is supposed to kill snails and they all...
  21. pjandnoo

    Acquarium Vac For Sand

    I have a normal vac with the larger head on it like this My link. When cleaning sand I just either hover it about a 2mm above the sand so it creates a kinda vortex thing lol it does take practice but I find it works or try I leaning it with one side touching the sand. Hope this helps?
  22. pjandnoo

    Pets At Home

    Hi, I made the same post a few months ago, have a look My link and have a read. I think you will find that it really depends on the branch to be honest. I bought three panda corys last weds from my local LFS which I normally swear by but I had to take two back yesterday as one had died and the...
  23. pjandnoo

    Set-Up Questions

    We started with some white cloud minnows and then found some golden cloud minnows in our local LFS. Wish we could have got a mixture as they both look really nice and they are nice easy starter fish.
  24. pjandnoo

    Mixed Corys

    I think they should be ok, I just added three baby pandas to my shoal of 5 juvenile peppers and the older ones seem to have taken them under their wings so to speak. :lol:
  25. pjandnoo

    Mts's Free Just Pay For P&p

    Hi, Thats exactly what I needed them for. I had some nasty black sand which I think was due to decomposing food etc so someone suggested MTS's. So I got hold of about 30 of various shapes and sizes from one of the members on here and I would say that they have worked a treat :good: . They...
  26. pjandnoo

    Lovin the fisheeesss

    Lovin the fisheeesss
  27. pjandnoo

    Mts's Free Just Pay For P&p

    I have some excess snails requiring re-homing :rolleyes: Just require a couple of quid to cover postage.
  28. pjandnoo

    Amazon Frogbit

    Can you pm when you have some more for sale please? Thanks Paul
  29. pjandnoo


    I wish I had read this before buying two of these guys, they are so cool as well. :sad: "They do not combine well with over active tank mates due to their peaceful nature."
  30. pjandnoo

    Amazon Frogbit

    Hi Chris, Think my snails are taking a liking to the frogbit you sold me lol. Have you got anymore for sale? :blush:
  31. pjandnoo

    Sand Is Turning Black!

    Thanks for the reply Jennybugs, its tank cleaning day today so will try what you suggested. Getting lots of brown algae too which is becoming a pain and might have an issue with swim bladder disease in the tank :crazy:
  32. pjandnoo

    Sand Is Turning Black!

    Can you guys offer some advice about sand turning black? I understand its down to excess bits of food going bad but I try to clean the sand as best as poss once a week and it keeps happening. I also have live plants in the tank too and some of these have caused to the sand to turn too. I have...
  33. pjandnoo

    Mts ( Snails)

    Pm'd back at ya :lol:
  34. pjandnoo

    Mts Free But Cover Postage Costs

    Can you let me know when you have another batch of these little fellows for dispatch, I have a tank of sand that need stirring up :crazy: Cheers
  35. pjandnoo

    Mts ( Snails)

    Help, I need some snails to stir up my sand :crazy: Have you got any more or has anyone else got some? Thanks in advance.
  36. pjandnoo

    Peppered Cory Keeps Surfacing!

    He looks ok this morning, I left it sitting on top of the heater last night. All the other fish were buzzing around happily so I think I will keep an eye on my stats. I think Philak could be right as I did see a bit of a spike yesterday but that went quite quickly and It seems it just affecting...
  37. pjandnoo

    Peppered Cory Keeps Surfacing!

    One of our Cories keeps "bobbing" along the top of the tank and collecting air bubbles. It will then float down to the bottom and as if "drunk" wobble about and stop still for ages. We caught it earlier lying on its back. Thinking it could be dead, when I reached in to get it out, cheeky fella...
  38. pjandnoo

    Seeding New Filter For New Tank

    What are your plans for the old filter unit ;o) ?
  39. pjandnoo

    Aquaone 980

    Hi all, Just to finish the story off, I did a 50% water change sat and tidied up the plants etc ready for some new arrivals that day. We took a drive to our local Pets at home store and decided to acquire 4 peppered corys and 4 penguin tetras which were the last ones in the store ;o( I have to...