All Pond Solutions 2000


Fish Crazy
Feb 9, 2012
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just been offered a secondhand one from a lad at work for £20 , has media as well , only need to add a few bits and pieces to it to make it good to go , worth it or not ? ......
I run those on all my large tanks and am very happy with them; they were all from new though. Then again, for £20, you can't really go wrong, can you?!
Sounds good to me then , it won't be too much for a 200 l tank will it though .....
got it and it is fine , the only thing is the main body o ring , it in my mind needs a litle lubrication on it to make it easier to remove the lid , what would be safe to use though from the fishes point of view , i understand the mechanics of it being in engineering ....
got it and it is fine , the only thing is the main body o ring , it in my mind needs a litle lubrication on it to make it easier to remove the lid , what would be safe to use though from the fishes point of view , i understand the mechanics of it being in engineering ....

vasaline :good:
Vaseline will do in a pinch, but it goes horrible after a short while. Get some proper silicone grease if you can.
Vaseline will do in a pinch, but it goes horrible after a short while. Get some proper silicone grease if you can.

i didt know that nice one flutter will order some just in case :good:

just waiting for the new hoses to come and i am good to go , managed to sort the suction pipework out using electrical conduit , and i am reusing the original spraybar , but , should i have the spraybar beneath the water line or above to introduce some air into the water ? ....
you can have it under pointing slightly up. It'll ripple the water allowing oxygen transfer but not make you and yours want to visit the loo the whole night.
next question , i have had to mess about with the pumps suction pipework to get it to fit ok and look neat , i have used electrical conduit for the job as the size is perfect , again from the fishes point of view , am i ok solvent welding the joints to make them watertight ? ....
all plumbed in , and pumping away merrily , very impressed how quiet it is , just hope my neons dont go for a flume ride when i get them in there :lol:
It's a good pump isn't it? I had to modify the inlet and outlet pipes using some of the flexi pipe supplied with it as there was just too many joins and weak points. Impressed with the noise level too. Highly recommend this filter if anyone is looking for one and no I don't work for them ;0)

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