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  1. G

    Compatable Fish

    so are you saying guppies and say mollies .....because they are both livebearers might breed together if they were put together? or did i misread that? i was considering getting some guppies....but i have mollies already ..... id ont' want to end up with some deformed looking half molly half...
  2. G

    New tank

    I bought a new 29gallon tank i have read all the stuff i have come across about setting up a new tank and cycling and all that.....but one thing i havn't found is....what exactly am i supposed to do with the tank BEFORE i put water in? do i need to clean it? just wipe it out with water? or is...
  3. G

    Grrr! Plecos!!

    ii have a pleco i've had fora bout 3 years also got 3 rainbow shark that have been in my tank for over a month now.....they seem to do just fine... each stick to their own's only a 20 Gallon tank...but like i said for over a month they have had no problems. GH
  4. G

    adding salt

    I seem to keep reading that adding just a little aquarium salt is a good thing for my mollies but i thought for some reason taht somewhere i read that you shouldn't do that if you have neon tetras i have neon tetras rainbow shark lamp eyed tetras a plecostomus molly australian rainbow in the...
  5. G

    Molly Fry

    i only have one at the moment she was pregnant..... i came home looked and there was one baby i supposed the others got eaten i imagine she didn't have many though cuz she is only about 1 inch long herself and as big as that baby was she couldn't have fit that many in her i read that they have...
  6. G

    Molly Fry

    I'm new at fish keeping period but i have two question i did finally get a breeding big should the fry be before it comes out of there for one...... the other molly's in the tank are stilll small only about 1 - 1.5 inches long... also How often should the little one be fed.... i read...
  7. G

    ACE or AquaSafe?

    For new water out of the tap which is better to use ACE? or AquaSafe?? the aqua safe says it removes heavy metals and chlorine and chloramine the ace just the ammonia and chloramine and chlorine are they safe to mix? or is one of the m better?? i'm still new and trying to learn what i should...
  8. G


    oh and i forgot..some of you would probably ask how long since the last water change..... i did it this past week on Tuesday.... today is sunday for me (i'm in the US) ..... and i figured with it still reading 40 i should probalby do another 10% change in the morning????? what do you guys suggest?
  9. G


    OK.... i'm kinda not sure what i'm doing yet i've been trying to learn everything i can about all this stuff especially since the baby fish was born.... i know they are fry but baby fish sounds cuter LOL anyway..... i konw the big fish might eat the baby..but i wasn't exaclty prepared to have a...
  10. G

    rainbow shark

    it is a 20 gallon tank it contains 9 neon tetra 1 plecostomus (i think that's how you spell it) 3 rainbow shark 3 australian rainbows 2 lamp eyed tetras 4 Fancy Molly (2 male, 2 Female) Still as far as i've seen the sharks just seem to stay in their own corner.... i just bought a new log thing...
  11. G

    rainbow shark

    someone on here said i shouldn't have 3 in my tank i do i have for like 3 weeks now and they don'tbother each other so why is this a problem???? GH
  12. G


    I thought molly's were tropical community? meaning not agressive? i have 2 males and 2 females in the tank but seems one of the males continues to chase the other one all over the tank... i've only had them for about 3 days now.... they were in the same tank at the store and not doing that. THe...
  13. G


    i have a 20 gallon tank in it: 9 neon tetra 4 fancy molly (2male 2 female) 3 lamp eyed tetra 3 australian rainbows (which i don't understand why they call them rainbows they are not colorful) and 3 ..... ummmm i'm not sure the label at teh petshop said rainbow shark....but looking online at...
  14. G


    Hello i'm new to this board and new to the whole fish thing actually i've had an aquarium for about 2 years but only kept goldfish cuz that's all i knew about and i was in school and didn't have time to learn....but now that i've graduated and working and have time i decided to get some new...