Compatable Fish


New Member
May 12, 2004
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I want to get more fish in my 55 gal. Was just wondering which tropical fish are compatable with the ones below. I like colorful fish and livebearers are fine. Thanks
:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
You have a lot of options. Depends a bit by what you mean by '1 catfish', though.

For livebearers, you could add platys or swordtails. Also probably mollies, although there is a long-term, ongoing debate about whether mollies "need" slightly brackish water or not. Also, there are Endler's livebearers, but that brings about cross-breeding issues with the guppies, which cause heated opinions by some. For a rarer, more oddball kind of livebearer, you could look into halfbeaks. The halfbeaks I've seen tend to be mostly white, though.

Personally, I would look into getting more neons, especially in a tank your size. I'd probably go for a total of 8-12.

Some people would recommend dwarf gouramis as a colorful option, but personally, I've had bad experiences with dwarf gouramis and guppies (the guppies come out on the losing end).

I've always thought that German Blue Rams were very colorful, beautiful fish. They do well in community tanks.

A little more info on your preferences might help. For example, what size fish are you interested in?
so are you saying guppies and say mollies .....because they are both livebearers might breed together if they were put together? or did i misread that?

i was considering getting some guppies....but i have mollies already ..... id ont' want to end up with some deformed looking half molly half guppy fish lol

I will have 2 tanks.....but if there ends up being too many babies i figured some of the mollies might go in the other's bigger but not if it's gonna cause a problem being in with guppies
For a 55 gallon tank, I'd definitely get a big school of tetras like neons, cardinals, and my favourite rummy nose tetras..... :D
Thanks for all your replies!! It helps out. :)

I don't know what kid of catfish it is,, it is only about 4 inches long, and hides all the time. I am planning on getting more neons too. I just got 6 platties- 4 siver colored and 3 orange colored, and 1 silver with a red tail.
Teelie said:
Can you give a better description of the catfish? Does it look like a typical catfish or is it more exotic looking? Check out and see if you can find it there.
It does look like a typical catfish. Like something one would catch out of a lake, just smaller. I tried looking for a picture but couldn't fine any. :/
It looks like this one:

Does your catfish look more like the one on this site:
If so its very likely to start eating babies and probably any thing small enough to fit in its mouth, like neons!!

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