Grrr! Plecos!!


Apr 25, 2004
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Dearborn Heights, MI (Near Detroit)
Ok...I've seen SEVERAL times over here that most of you would *NOT* recommend a Pleco for an algea eater / bottom feeder - and quite a few of you (read: most) seem very happy with cories. :D I'd love to try these out.

But first, a question. (or maybe a couple)
1) I told the LPS when I first setup my tank that I needed a bottom feeder / algea eater - she sold me a fish. Didn't tell me what kind it was, just said "He should do the trick." And now, I'm worried that it might be a Pleco - and grow to be fricking huge. How can I tell if he is or isn't? I'll see if I can grab a pic of him today. If not, I know I can recognize him from snapshots.

2) The LPS I was at told me that if I have 1 algea eater to get NO more bottom feeders (read: catfish) because it's too much competition for the bottom and they'll likely run out of food. Can someone validate or correct this statement?
ii have a pleco i've had fora bout 3 years
also got 3 rainbow shark that have been in my tank for over a month now.....they seem to do just fine... each stick to their own's only a 20 Gallon tank...but like i said for over a month they have had no problems.
Hi Becca, Does your fish look like THIS or like THIS.? If so you have a Plec. The common will get to 12" +, but the Bristlenose only 5-6". Both eat algea but you should supplement thier diet with algea waffers, and they will eat scraps from the bottom of the tank. HTH.

......i have a common pleco......

it looks uncanningly like the second link that Fat Boy posted. :( :( :( :( :( Great! Just what I need, yet another fish in my tank that's going to outgrow it and need a new home. (sigh)

The brightside? 1) He does an awesome job, and usually hides very well. :) (By the way, is it normal for Common Plecos to hang UPSIDE down inside their caves? He does it ALL the time.) 2) This fish was a "newbie" mistake. All the fish I've bought since have been well researched. :)

Now, to find a home for the Common Pleco AND the knife. :)

Edit: I do drop a couple of Algea Wafers in the bottom of the tank once in a while, but he doesn't even notice them. Oddly enough - my knife will eventually make his way over to the food, suck it up and carry it to his corner and eat it. I think all of my fish have come from the Short Bus. ;-)

The Knife was supposed to love his little "Knife Home" and instead opts for a corner of the tank behind a castle.
The Algea Eater hangs upside down in a cave - I should call him Batty.
The Knife likes to eat Algea Wafers, The Zebra Danio stresses out every other Zebra I put in the tank... lol.

Well, at least my fish have character!
It is true plecos get big and further you rarely see them work mainly at night and like seclusion ie. shelter..
But I think you are going to be very happy with cories if you try them. Especialy the dwarf ones. They like to be in groups are small so not a big load on the tank and comical.
There are many (here are a couple)
pygmy (these swim off the bottom allot and like to school)
and even some with some irradescent green
Most of the dwarf don't exceed 2" in length.
Just a few of the varities.

You will like them they are fun to watch. Harn no one and are always on the job.

Good luck
I have had a common pleco for a little over a year now. He was already an adult when he was given to me and is now 13 inches. I love him dearly though. He is my favorite fish.
Not all plecos get huge. People hear pleco and automatically think of the common pleco. Some plecos only get 4 or 5 inches, like the tiger pleco. I have one of these too, and he is cute as a button! He is about 3 inches right now.
I have found the common pleco to be one of the most enjoyable fish to have. They are very graceful when they swim and they are simply beautiful.
And yes, it is totally normal for them to hang upside down in their caves. Mine attaches himself to the ceiling of his all the time.
Aside from plecos, cories do rock hard :thumbs: They are awesome to have in any aquarium.
Well, the problem doesn't have to do with whether I like the Common Pleco or not (which I'm pretty sure he is, I looked at other pictures and he looks exactly like the common pleco I saw)...

The problem is that he's going to outgrow my tank. :( And I don't have funds for a bigger, better one - and since I'm house shopping, I won't have the funds any time soon.
Hey Becca trade him with the LFS for the cories. They should do that for you since they sold you the fish without all the details in the first place. Worth a try anyway. :)
I'm making a run to a rather nice LFS tomorrow night. I hate to do it, but I might see if they'll just take the Knife and Pleco off my hand all at once. Who knows, maybe they can give me a couple of discounted fish or something in return.

I really do love the knife and I've grown quite attached to him. Hopefully within the next year I'll have a nice 100-Gallon - but I don't want to count on a tank that I don't even have in my possession yet. :( What if something happens that I can't afford the tank and the poor guy has to suffer in a small home. I've had him a month and he doesn't seem to have grown much, but *shrug* just my luck he'll hit a growth spurt overnight.

Besides, that 100-Gallon tank, I'm hoping, will be my first decent try at a Salt Water tank.

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