rainbow shark


New Member
Apr 23, 2004
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someone on here said i shouldn't have 3 in my tank
i do
i have for like 3 weeks now and they don'tbother each other so why is this a problem????
It was me that said it.

Rainbow sharks are aggressive with their own kind and other sharks, even shark shaped fish! Mine was aggressive with my siamese flying foxes.

Try a google search. :)
it is a 20 gallon tank
it contains
9 neon tetra
1 plecostomus (i think that's how you spell it)
3 rainbow shark
3 australian rainbows
2 lamp eyed tetras
4 Fancy Molly (2 male, 2 Female)

Still as far as i've seen the sharks just seem to stay in their own corner.... i just bought a new log thing for one more hiding place for them they seem to like to hide
i also bought a bunch of other things...... to test the water with
i still dont' know what i'm doign as far as that goes but i'm learning or trying to...

Hey again GH

I think you may have a problem with your stocking levels. :unsure:

Rainbow sharks can get to 6" each and IME grow rapidly. Plecs (if you mean common) will get in excess of 14". if by "fancy molly", you mean sailfin, these can get to as big as 6".

Don't worry too much about the tests, when you've done it once that's it! Remembered forever!!
I don't think that it's a problem that you have 3 in your tank. You're just a lucky owner of mellow sharks (if there ever is such a thing) that don't bother no one. :cool: When it comes to sharks...isn't the more the better to limit aggression among each other (of course, that is if there is a big enough tank to house them properly)? I read that somewhere else. :huh: My rainbow sharks go at it all the time. I started off with 3 also...but they got out of hand...and well I just got 2 now. :-( Guess it all depends on individul personalities of the fish themselves. But when it comes to rainbow sharks...they have that known reputation. Good luck with your fishies. :thumbs:

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