

New Member
Apr 23, 2004
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i'm new to this board
and new to the whole fish thing
actually i've had an aquarium for about 2 years but only kept goldfish cuz that's all i knew about and i was in school and didn't have time to learn....but now that i've graduated and working and have time i decided to get some new things
in the past few months i've gotten 9 Neon tetras, 3 Rainbow shark, 3 lampeyed tetras, 3 australian rainbows, and 4 fancy molly (2male and 2 female)
i just bought the molly's tonight and 1 of the females is pregnant according to the lady at the store so that ought to be interesting. I'm about to do some research and find out what i need to do with her though ;)
Anyway this looks like a great forum..... the set up is the same as another one i've been to so shouldn't be hard to learn
Anyway Hope to get to know you all soon
GentleHeart aka GH
:hi: to the forum.

What tank(s) do you have? Are they all together with teh goldfish? (Not a good idea :no:)

You'll soon have lots of baby mollies now. :nod: Check out the livebearer section to read up on mollys and livebearer procreation.

I hope you stick with us and join our school.:D
i have a 20 gallon tank
in it:
9 neon tetra
4 fancy molly (2male 2 female)
3 lamp eyed tetra
3 australian rainbows (which i don't understand why they call them rainbows they are not colorful)
and 3 ..... ummmm
i'm not sure
the label at teh petshop said rainbow shark....but looking online at pictures they look more like red tailed shark

i'm just learning about them....
i said i USED to have gold fish...not no more

oh yeah and one of the .... i'm not sure how to spell
or somethign like that i can say it not spell it LOL

Thanks for all the warm welcomes

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