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    New Shrimp Tank :)

    I second what Aquatic Phoenix said, make sure your tank has had time to mature before adding the shrimp. Good luck with them, they are great little creatures!
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    Dead Red Cherry Shrimp Babies

    Maybe there is just too many of them in a tank that size. Also how often do you change the water. Shrimp do not like water changes too often and as mattlee said they need a mature tank. I am having similar problems in a 7 gallon tank. Every time I do a water change I lose shrimp. I just don't...
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    They sure are prolific breeders, aren't they?!! I have a stocking over my filter to keep them out. I have mine with some harlequin rasboras and kuhli loaches. The rasboras occassionally eat a shrimplet here and there but for the most part don't bother them at all.
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    Red Cherry Shrimp

    I feed mine every day. They didn't eat any of the food I fed them for about 3 weeks after I got them though. I think this was a combination of them being a bit nervous in their surroundings and also that they had plenty of algae to feed on in my tank.
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    Snail Identification

    Hi, just wondering if anybody can identify this snail for me. I think they may be apple snails but have never had snails previously so I really have no idea. They are mostly around 4mm at the moment and are a yellowy orange colour. Sorry for the poor picture quality. Thanks for your help.
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    One Question...Now That Tank Is Cycled

    I think the ammonia question has been answered but I also second that the tank is overstocked and its too small for the corys also. Danios and rasboras are also schooling fish and should be kept in groups of at least 6 and I think the corys also like to be kept in a bigger group.
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    New Tank (Fish In Cycle)

    Thanks for everybodies help and suggestions. I have decided not to remove the plants and to only add more fish slowly at some stage. Not really a problem as I live about two hours from a decent LFS so no temptations around here! I am still really undecided about what else to put in there at...
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    New Tank (Fish In Cycle)

    Thanks for the replies. From what I have read I thought this was the case but my only confusion with this is the nitrate levels. Where does that come from? I was not planning on adding a whole lot more fish to this tank. I am hoping to add some cherry shrimp and some kuhli loaches at some...
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    New Tank (Fish In Cycle)

    Hi, just wondering if someone can help me understand what is happening in my tank. I started my tank almost 3 weeks ago. It is about 20US gallon and it is octagonal. I also realise it is best to cycle without fish but ammonia is impossible to find here is Aust and I didn't realise you could use...
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    Where To Start?

    Hi, I am new also so no real advise but I found this link (posted somewhere else on this site I think) and it seems really good for fish numbers if you put your tank details in. It also gives warnings if you choose fish that won't be compatible.
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    Secondhand Aquarium

    Thank you both for your answers. I did not get the tank - ended up deciding that I really didn't want a corner unit (which is what this was). It is good to know that while I am searching for another one that I can use an ex-marine tank for fresh though.
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    Can't Get Ammonia Back Down In 10 Month Old Tank Please Help!

    OK, so I am very new to this so I may be way off track... I wondered if its something to do with the media you are using in your filter and if it contains enough surface area for a bacteria colony that is big enough to deal with the ammonia in your tank.
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    Secondhand Aquarium

    Hi, I am wondering if someone can give me some advise on a secondhand aquarium. I have found a really good deal on ebay which I would not ordinarily be able to afford. The question I have though is that it has been used for marine and there is some pink coral still stuck to the back wall...