New Shrimp Tank :)


Mr. Terrorcore!
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
Nuneaton, Warwickshire
I finaly got myself a shrimp tank!!

I've setup the filter, light unit and heater in the tank... waiting for the temp to settle.

I'm going to take a 3rd of my old tanks media from the filter and put it in the new filter I got with my new tank and replacing the media I take away with new media in the old tank.

So... once i've done that messing abit with the filter media, I should be safe to put in a couple of fish from my old tank in the new tank to keep the filter ticking over untill I get my bunch of shrimp?

Just a quick re-check befor I start cutting the filter sponge up :lol:


P.S - I'll post pictures of new tank soon :)
Sounds great :hyper: can't wait to see photos.

What type of shrimp you adding and what size is tank :) i'm planning on making an all shrimp tank if i ever get rouind to it :hyper:

Under suggestion from people on another forum I decided to use snails and oak leaves to keep the cycle going/help mature the tank. Oak leaves are pretty tough, and don't decay very fast. Plus they act as a nice natural decoration.

Keep in mind...most shrimps will require a tank with plenty of biofilm because that is the majority of what they eat, and it's really easy to overfeed them to death with richer foods. Shrimp don't do very well in new tanks for this reason. I was advised to wait about a month to let things get established.
I second what Aquatic Phoenix said, make sure your tank has had time to mature before adding the shrimp. Good luck with them, they are great little creatures!
Thanks for the replys :)

I've taken some plants, filter media, water and substrate from my old tank thats been running over a year (this tank has shrimp already in there from 5 months ago) and put in my new tank.

I've currently got 3 fish in there from my old tank and 3 assasin snais.

Been testing the water daily, every test is fine... asif the tank has been there years! :)

I've got a whad of plants and my shrimp coming on wednesday so I will keep testing the water untill then. But if anything does happen with my water quality then I will house the shrimp in my old tank for a while in a breeding box, sure that will be fine wouldn't it?

Just test my new tank's water, and this is what i've got:

Ph - 7.5
NitrAt - 5
NitrIt - 0.1 (maybe less)
Ammonia - 0

Shall I do a 25% water change you think? I get my shrimp deliverd some time today, but they can hang out in my main tank for a while in a breeding net I have in there.

Im always a little cautious when it comes to filtering a shrimp tank. Shrimp are very delicate (or at least mine always seem to be) and so I always keep a few microfish (have a shoal of 6) in the tank to ensure the filter media is fed.

Shrimp dont produce much waste - the majority of waste that the filter feeds on is old decaying uneaten food. :crazy: Keeping a few microfish improves the provision of waste products and helps to ensure the filter can cope when shrimp babies :hey: suddenly increase the bioload of the tank.

Make sure there are plenty of dark hiding spaces for the shrimps after they moult and are soft-shelled.

Happy shrimp-keeping
Thanks for the reply saz :good:

I've got a bunch of plants being deliverd today or tomorrow at the latest, but already in the tank I have 2 coconut caves coverd in moss for them aswell as a moss ball and some java fern... but will have plenty of plants to add by tomorrow.

I don't want to leave the 3 fish I currently have in there when the shrimp arrive as they will eat the babys :( so I guess i'll have to go buy a little group of fish to keep the filter ticking.

The tank is only 15Ltr though :crazy:

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