Red Cherry Shrimp


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Ok I bought 6 RCS, I've done plenty research on them online but the crucial thing I didn't find often should I feed them? I have read every day to twice a week...

Thanks :)
I would also say it depends on what you're feeding them, and if there are live plants in your tank. The shrimp will be able to forage on the plants, not eat the plants, at any time which will require less feedings. In my opinion, more messy foods like algae tablets or frozen foods, should be done once a week, and less messy foods like flake and pellets could be done every other day. It's all up to you and how often you want to clean your tank :)
I feed mine every day. They didn't eat any of the food I fed them for about 3 weeks after I got them though. I think this was a combination of them being a bit nervous in their surroundings and also that they had plenty of algae to feed on in my tank.
I put an algae wafter in their temporary tank and a few ate that but they didn't make a dent on it really. I put them in their proper tank yesterday and they were scavenging. I was planning on putting an algae wafer in (but in a food bowl for cleaning purposes) every day; if they eat more then I'll put more in and if less then I'll put less in.

I basically wanted to check if feeding every day is ok; which everyone has basically said so; so I'll try that for a bit and see how they go; thanks :)
I feed my shrimp daily but only a little bit. Mostly they forage on plnts and bio-film.
I also give them algae wafers on Friday and don't feed them over the weekend.
They are in a tank with newts and so far doing well. The newts get fed every 3 days so there isn't a lot of food in the tank. I've been putting a quarter of a algae wafer in at a time to see how they go with that to begin with.

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