Search results

  1. D

    Tank And Fish For Sale

    Is this tank still available?
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    Marble Crayfish Babies

    You're only asking for $15 a piece shipped? or $80 for all 8 of them free shipped? please mlet me know thanks! [email protected]
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    Fs- Snails- Ohio- Shipping

    I made a purchasem all arrived great! Fast shipping! Great seller, thanks!
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    Free Fish

    I am interested. Still have any available?
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    White Crayfish For Sale

    Anything left?
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    Fluval Filter Foams & Polishing Pads

    Still have any available? I will need some soon!
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    I Need To Get Rid Of These Pest Snails!

    Try lettuce, if not you could always bag some up, and ship them to me! My Cichlids LOVE THEM!
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    What Country Are Fishkeepers From?

    I am from East Hartford, CT. We got a few good stores about 10-15 minutes away, a lot of Petco and Petsmarts selling fish too. Good spots in Vernon, South Windsor, and Manchester. Some spots towards Mass too. Want more info, let me know. The LFS near me sell tons of cool fish and creepy...
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    Fs- Snails- Ohio- Shipping

    I am very intersted. What sized are they? Can you email me? [email protected] thanks!
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    Large Glass Aquarium

    Price, and are you willing to ship? Whats included? Where are yo located, thanks!
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    What Fish To Buy When Trying To Get Rid Of Snails

    Mail some out to me! what type of snails are they? I feed them to my cichlids
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    Posting Snails

    I'd be intersted in buying some snails if you are shipping them out. What cha got?
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    Looking For Free Or Cheap Snails To Go In My Tanks

    I am looking to get free (Will cover shipping, or pick up in local CT area of East Hartford, Hartford, Manchester area). I am looking for medium sized Trumpet Snails, I need a lot so that My cichlids can eat some, and there will still be enough to survive and clean! I also need Mystery Snails...
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    Good Water Conditioning And Maintenance Products

    I have a 90 gallon tank with Convict Cichlids. I just want to know what type and what brand chemicals should I use to keep my tank stable. Been running the tank just fine, fish look great, just looking to see what's out there. Thanks!
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    Want To Know What I Can Mix In My 90 Gallon Tank.

    So what I am thinking of doing is using the breeding net, to block my convicts away from the rest of the fish, and keep them all in the 90 gallon. Do you think this is a bad idea? Suggestions very much welcome. Thanks!
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    Want To Know What I Can Mix In My 90 Gallon Tank.

    So I have 3 Fish Tanks, a 20 gallon, 29 gallon, and a 50 gallon. in my 50 gallon I have a total of 10 convicts (Babies, I know I will have to get a bigger tank soon). in my 29 I have 2 angelfish, 9 nean tetras, 3 ghost shrimp, 1 blue gourami. in my 20 I have 9 platies, and 3 guppies. I want to...
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    New To The Fish Scene

    Well, The platinum Cichlids as the LFS called them is very similar to the white convict I guess by what they told me. With my 6 Convicts, I have maybe 2-3 that show a bright blue color, as there are 2-3 that have a shinny red bottom. Possible 3 pairs? My Platinum cichlids instantly took a home...
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    New To The Fish Scene

    To be honest, I do not plan on adding ANY fish for a very long time lol. Maybe 2 Oscars, but I won't do that until I test my water. What I have been doing is going to the pet store with a little bit of testable water, and they let me know whatsup with my tanks. I will read the link you told me...
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    New To The Fish Scene

    So what do I do to help my tank, and fish stay healthy. I'd like to keep my fish as long as possible. My tanks have been running for a few weeks now. I have already done 2-3 water changed on my 2 smaller tanks, and none on my 55 gallon yet its only been running a week. I have about 10 Cichlids...
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    New To The Fish Scene

    What I told him, is exactly what I do, and I was told to do by the local fish store. I have done this will all 3 of my fish tanks. I told him to let the tank run with the filter for 1-2 days, and I said I would do 2 days. Then I added some neon tetras in with some water conditioner, and it...
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    New To The Fish Scene

    Just make sure to let your tank run with the filter for atleast a day. I would do 2 days though. Then get some really cheap fish like some Neon Tetras, put in some conditioner and then the Neons about 5 minutes after. Next day, your tank will be ready for just about any fish!
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    New To The Fish Tank World.

    I let the tank run with the filter for 48 hours. I added water conditioner, and 2 Sword tails just to get some cycling going. I then took the sword tails out, and added 4 Convict Cichlids, whom live happily in the 55 gallon for the time being. I am thinking of getting some white convicts to add...
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    New 55 Gallon Tank With 4 Convict Cichlids

    Well I have a 55 Gallon tank with 4 Convict Cichlids. I want to get more fish in with them, but I know they are aggressive fish, and only can add certain types of fish. I also would like a clean up crew, but again, need something compatible with the Convicts. I have 1 Amazon Sword plant, I also...
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    New To The Fish Tank World.

    Thanks for the pointers, I just ended up getting my hands on a 55 Gallon Tank set up FOR FREE!! Well, not really free I traded a cell phone. I have had it cycling for 2 days, and really want to get some cichlids that will eat shrimp. I will check out that website you gave me, as well as take...
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    New To The Fish Tank World.

    I have the following in the 29 gallon tank: 1 FanTail Goldfish 1 Gold Guarami 1 Blue Guarami 2 Marble Angel Fish 2 Plecos 3 Black Neon Tetras 2 Ghost Shrimp 1 Algae Eating Shrimp 6 Platys - 2 males 4 females 3 Guppies - 1 male, 2 females Is this a good mix? Is there anything else I can add? I...