New To The Fish Tank World.


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Sep 8, 2009
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Hartford, CT
I have the following in the 29 gallon tank:
1 FanTail Goldfish
1 Gold Guarami
1 Blue Guarami
2 Marble Angel Fish
2 Plecos
3 Black Neon Tetras
2 Ghost Shrimp
1 Algae Eating Shrimp
6 Platys - 2 males 4 females
3 Guppies - 1 male, 2 females
Is this a good mix? Is there anything else I can add? I think my female platys and Guppies are pregnant also. They are way bigger than befor I got them. I also have 3 Amazon Sword plants, 3 other fresh water leave plants, 2 caves, 1 gave rock, and 1 fake plant. Is that enough for hiding places?

In my 20 gallon tank I have 150 Ghost shrimp, (breed like crazy!!), and 1 pleco. Is there anything else safe to put in there? I started with 25 Ghost Shrimp! LOL. I want to get more fish. My causin has some ciclids and I need to get rid of some shrimp, will the ciclids eat the shrimp?

Any suggestions? I will upload pictures soon, I am at work now so I can't do it but I will upload pics of my aquarium set ups.
I have the following in the 29 gallon tank:
1 FanTail Goldfish
1 Gold Guarami
1 Blue Guarami
2 Marble Angel Fish
2 Plecos
3 Black Neon Tetras
2 Ghost Shrimp
1 Algae Eating Shrimp
6 Platys - 2 males 4 females
3 Guppies - 1 male, 2 females
Is this a good mix? Is there anything else I can add? I think my female platys and Guppies are pregnant also. They are way bigger than befor I got them. I also have 3 Amazon Sword plants, 3 other fresh water leave plants, 2 caves, 1 gave rock, and 1 fake plant. Is that enough for hiding places?

In my 20 gallon tank I have 150 Ghost shrimp, (breed like crazy!!), and 1 pleco. Is there anything else safe to put in there? I started with 25 Ghost Shrimp! LOL. I want to get more fish. My causin has some ciclids and I need to get rid of some shrimp, will the ciclids eat the shrimp?

Any suggestions? I will upload pictures soon, I am at work now so I can't do it but I will upload pics of my aquarium set ups.

hi, i don't think you ought to be keeping the goldfish with the other tropical fish, they prefer cooler water & can get very big & messy, also the plecs can get large as well.
Hi and Welcome to TFF!

A few pointers Gold fish are coldwater fish, They and the Plecs are going to get MASSIVE, and also both are very messy, a brilliant external filter is a must! Gold Fish should not be housed with Tropical fish.
Don't add any more fish, as your livebearers are going to breed alot.
One last thing, you should buy some more plants and caves.

I would sell around 130 Shrimp, Re-think about the Pleco, then their might be a possibility of Chichlids.
And for that size of tank i would only reccommend Apisto, Agassi'z, Yellow Dwarf, Ram's etc...

For your last question, Only 14 species of the Chichlids eat shrimp, you will have to research using this site,
Click Here

Hope that helps!
Hi and Welcome to TFF!

A few pointers Gold fish are coldwater fish, They and the Plecs are going to get MASSIVE, and also both are very messy, a brilliant external filter is a must! Gold Fish should not be housed with Tropical fish.
Don't add any more fish, as your livebearers are going to breed alot.
One last thing, you should buy some more plants and caves.

I would sell around 130 Shrimp, Re-think about the Pleco, then their might be a possibility of Chichlids.
And for that size of tank i would only reccommend Apisto, Agassi'z, Yellow Dwarf, Ram's etc...

For your last question, Only 14 species of the Chichlids eat shrimp, you will have to research using this site,
Click Here

Hope that helps!


Thanks for the pointers, I just ended up getting my hands on a 55 Gallon Tank set up FOR FREE!! Well, not really free I traded a cell phone. I have had it cycling for 2 days, and really want to get some cichlids that will eat shrimp. I will check out that website you gave me, as well as take your advice. Any other suggestions on fish that may go well with the cichlids? Also, I will remove the gold fish from the 29 gallon tank, he actually hasn't been that bad. I have had him with the other fish for about 3-4 weeks now, and have not had any issues. You are right about them being messy though. They tend to eat a lot of the food befor any of the other fish can. I have been thinking of getting breeder convicts. What do you think? I prefer an email if possible. My email is [email protected] feel free to contact me. Thanks so much!

If the filter on your 29 is mature (say 4 months, 6 months or older... well, regardless) then it can move over with the fish when you transfer them to the 55 and it will still match the bioload as long as you don't make any additions during the transition time. You could then add the new filter that's going to handle your bigger 55 and over the next few months it would slowly get populated with the correct two bacterial species and become functional.

If the filter on your 29 is mature (say 4 months, 6 months or older... well, regardless) then it can move over with the fish when you transfer them to the 55 and it will still match the bioload as long as you don't make any additions during the transition time. You could then add the new filter that's going to handle your bigger 55 and over the next few months it would slowly get populated with the correct two bacterial species and become functional.


I let the tank run with the filter for 48 hours. I added water conditioner, and 2 Sword tails just to get some cycling going. I then took the sword tails out, and added 4 Convict Cichlids, whom live happily in the 55 gallon for the time being. I am thinking of getting some white convicts to add, but not sure if I should. Any suggestions on any other fish to add?

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