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  1. L

    sticking Bio-wheel

    Opps I did forget to mention that since filing down the bearings my wheel is flowing smothly as the day it was new.......hope this helps.......
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    sticking Bio-wheel

    I had that happen to me one to many times. I do weekly water changes along with cleaning the intake tube, impeller and its housing each change, but it still slowed and soon stopped(within 2 days). I was then told that the water level was to low. After 2 days since the water change my water level...
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    Fish Highway

    Ive seen that before, but still can't get enough of it. My only question is how do you clean all the poo that has settled in the tubes? Ah haw :hyper: my next invention will be a remote controled power head....and to fallow that is the remote brine shrimp....just think of would be...
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    Looking For Something

    Maybe you could look at Walmart or Kmart in the tuperware or plastic storage bin section, they seem to come in alot of sizes. You will have to alter it some (cutting the lip or use a coat hanger to make hangers) Just a thought, good luck.
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    Borneo Stonesuckers?????

    Thank you all for your replys, they been alot of help.
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    Borneo Stonesuckers?????

    Anyone ever heard of these little guys? I saw them at a LFS, but they apparently dont know anything about them except that they have them in stock. Anyway dose anyone know anything about them(water peramiters, sociability, diet, adult size, etc.) I would love to have some in my puffer tank if...
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    Bio wheel stopped? Try this

    I have a Penguin 125 bio-wheel that has never ran as smoothly as when it was new, until now. The bio-wheel would slow down and eventually stop. I would do the maintenance that manufacturer suggests (clean the intake tube ,impeller and its housing, clean or replace the filter cartridge and...
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    Breeding Guppies for food?

    You can't get any closer to nature than feeding your fish live foods(plant or animal). It is my opinion that if you want to keep any animal(dog, cat,fish or what ever you might keep) you should respect its lineage. If the live food is in its self healthy, then feed them it. It is extreamly...
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    puffers in a community tank

    I keep DPs with Tiger barbs, at first there was some nipping, but after 3 or 4 days the nipping stopped. Ottos are also good with puffers.
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    Custom Built Stand...

    :blink: so you're saying that the womans husband, cut, bended, welded and painted all of this for J.D. :devil: you little devil :shifty: Looks great, whats the name of the guy who built it and what can a keg get me :beer: :D
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    Tiger babrs breeding

    DJOfir, it suonds to me like they are establishing their dominances it their school. When they do that it is very rare that the out come becomes fatal, so don't worry to much. As far as breeding T barbs, its as easy as keeping them, so long as you know what to look for. The signs of T barbs in...
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    LFS has a 55G(us) sale

    That sounds reasonable, what brand heater and where are you going to get it??? I got a 55g combination from PetsMart with all of the same stuff but the heater was a 300w visatherm. It came with the same filter as yours, which I did'nt like and wanted to replace so I returned it with out a...
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    Dwarf puffers

    Dwarf puffers Sorry, Im very much a computer dumby :S
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    Dwarf puffers

    This might help...dwarf
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    Tiger Barbs

    Tigers, green, albino, Rosy, 6 banded, painted and black, yes black will all school together. Which if you have all of the above mentioned in the same tank is an awesome sight. BARBS RULE!!!!!
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    freeze dried bloodworms

    I just thought I'd through this in, but have you read the back of the canisters on the freezed dried bloodworms???It gives a warning about an allergic reaction that might affect some and ferquent use can make the unallergic, allergic to this food.... :-(