Fish Highway

Weird... I can just about imagine a gourami swimming above my head :D ... or a groupd of zebra danios swimming around the ceiling :p
Ive seen that before, but still can't get enough of it.
My only question is how do you clean all the poo that has settled in the tubes?
Ah haw :hyper: my next invention will be a remote controled power head....and to fallow that is the remote brine shrimp....just think of would be like a video game for the home entertainment aquarium....through in a shrimp and steer him clear of danger... :hooray: .....just kidding.....thanks for posting that up..... :/ there goes my xmas money = (plexy, glue, silicone and doubled water bill) :crazy:
u don't clean out the poop. The water is always moving which pushes the poop into one of the two tanks.

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