puffers in a community tank


New Member
Apr 27, 2004
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I was wondering if puffers will ever work in a comunity tank?
Is there a least agressive type and if so which other fish do they work with?

Thanks so much :D :D :D :crazy:
Take a look at the pinned topics at the top of the page, the South American puffer would be the only one that could work and even then you might have problems.
Yes! there are several puffers that can be put into the tank.
the best is the dwarf puffer would be just great there are just cute.
I have kept them in a tank with tetras. 8)
Umm, the dwarf puffer is not a good choice for a community tank, they will shred you other fishes fins unless you are lucky and get one with a peaceful disposition.
I keep DPs with Tiger barbs, at first there was some nipping, but after 3 or 4 days the nipping stopped. Ottos are also good with puffers.
I keep Otos, Ancistrus (bristlenose plecos) and a couple of banjo catfish with mine but I have been very carefull when choosing these!! Personally if you've already got a community tank set up then don't but puffers in, you're better off setting up a species tank for them... puffers have so much personality that they don't really need much in the way of companions.
I'm still a novice, but I put an SA Puff in with a community. The LFS said he was fine and had been in with some tetras with no problem.

He was fine for about 5 days, then started nipping fins, even of fish 3 times his size! After a week he ate the Harlequin that was in the tank.

He is now on his ownsome (see my other post) and likely to stay that way.

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