Breeding Guppies for food?

Well, imo (humble at that) it is okay, but let me explain why. First, its not fair to keep a fish who naturally eats a certain food, then make it exist on flakes. :sick: (eew) Second what is the difference between the many of us who have livebearers and don't use a seperate tank or breeder net? Alot get eaten, but really what were we going to do with 50 kazillion fry anyways? :p Also, a fozen fish is a dead fish, any way you look at it., It had to be killed somehow, and from what I hear freezing is one of the more cruel ways to go. (and not acceptable euthenasia) Also, why not save some $$ on fish and treatment, if you are feeding them live anyways? Now it isn't for everyone obviously, but my bettas enjoy a good fry now and then. ;)
Im taking it that these fish were alive if you put them in the tupperware for the may have been a treat for the cat but it cant of been much fun for the fish.Glad to hear you wouldnt do it now though. :sad:
no matter how you do it, feeding live fish to your cat, or the cat catching mice from the yard, or people feeding feeder fish to their other fish (and so on and so fourth) is all natural
in the wild they would eat it, and it is doing no harm by them eating it now
yes feeders don't have a hope in hell when put into a tank, but the fish that eat them don't exactly have a hope in hell of coming across feeders in any other way except by our hand
i love all creatures,
but if i had a snake, i would feed it feeder mice
and if i had a lizard, i would feed it live crickets
are you going to tell me that is wrong?
if not then you are a hypocrite
if yes,
then maybe you should look past your little protest signs
and use your brains
feeders are a source of food, if the suffering is your concern, do they not suffer in the wild?
in the wild if one fish gets away does another not get eaten in its place?
and if another doesn't get eaten, then does the predator not eventually die of starvation, (quite the unpleasant death if you ask me)
so if you can't stomach it, don't do it
but do not for a second try to tell others that it is wrong
you are your fishes god
you are the provider of food
by owning fish we are denying them the right to be wild in their natural habitat
so the least we can do is feed them as closely as we can to what they would eat in the wild even if only as a treat, thus live food for the predators

*this reply is not aimed at anyone in particular
i just love a good debate and feel passionately about the thing i believe in
it is not to start a fight,
any harsh words are in good fun*
I agree i too like a good debate pointy,an i must say you are really good at it lol
Any way it would be a very boring world if we all had the same opinion :rolleyes:
BIGMAC said:
I agree i too like a good debate pointy,an i must say you are really good at it lol
Any way it would be a very boring world if we all had the same opinion :rolleyes:
agreed :nod: :thumbs:

i think its funny how sometimes i can be all mild mannered and sweet, and other times i can be the loudest voice in the room, whether i'm laughing or having a debate :lol:
Pointy_kitty said:
no matter how you do it, feeding live fish to your cat, or the cat catching mice from the yard, or people feeding feeder fish to their other fish (and so on and so fourth) is all natural
in the wild they would eat it, and it is doing no harm by them eating it now
yes feeders don't have a hope in hell when put into a tank, but the fish that eat them don't exactly have a hope in hell of coming across feeders in any other way except by our hand
i love all creatures,
but if i had a snake, i would feed it feeder mice
and if i had a lizard, i would feed it live crickets
are you going to tell me that is wrong?
if not then you are a hypocrite
if yes,
then maybe you should look past your little protest signs
and use your brains
feeders are a source of food, if the suffering is your concern, do they not suffer in the wild?
in the wild if one fish gets away does another not get eaten in its place?
and if another doesn't get eaten, then does the predator not eventually die of starvation, (quite the unpleasant death if you ask me)
so if you can't stomach it, don't do it
but do not for a second try to tell others that it is wrong
you are your fishes god
you are the provider of food
by owning fish we are denying them the right to be wild in their natural habitat
so the least we can do is feed them as closely as we can to what they would eat in the wild even if only as a treat, thus live food for the predators
:clap: Well said :clap:
i bet u all eat animals as well. maybe not alive ones but, they were at one point.

personaly id like to see a fish stalk another one once, its like a natural experance. not many ppl. see fish doing things like that in the wild.

well back to the topic at had, theres nothing wrong with giving something its natural diet. if your giving a canivor fish a platy or a fancey guppy, yeah thats wrong because there not ment for food, but if there feeder fish that will be eaten in the wild anyways thats fine.

if you dont like ppl. giving the fish to the others go out and save them! there only $.28 in some petsmarts.
Mmm lots of differents opinions, but i was thinking it was alright to grow the guppy fry to feed other fish. Actually i was planning to do it, since guppies breed like rabbits. (Not enough tanks for all the fry) After all people hatch brine shrimp to feed their fish then why not guppies, but my aunt said it was unethical to do it. So i posted the question and came to the conclusion of putting guppies with other bigger fish.
I used to be opposed to feeding fish to other fish. Mainly it was because I felt it was cruel. I still think it can be cruel. People that watch and get entertainment from the feedings are no better than the Romans throwing christians to the lions.

I changed my mind about feeder fish because I breed guppies. As anyone who has ever kept guppies knows they breed a lot. Its overwhelming to have 40 fry every month and only want to keep a few of them. I have been breeding for specific traits that mostly appear when the guppies are adults. So I end up with a lot of guppies. I started feeding a few of the fry to my betta. But the betta obviously wouldn't be able to eat full grown guppies. So I will still end up with a lot of extra guppies. It would make sense to get a fish that eats guppies to help with the excess. I tried getting pet stores to take some guppies but none of my local stores will. I don't think that PetsMart will take them either because as a chain store they usually get their fish from a specific dealer (or maybe they have their own breeding warehouse). I was thinking about getting a pike livebearer or pike cichlid.
i look at it as all fish living in the wild eat some sort of live food whether it be small guppies flies, things that fall form trees, crayfish, frogs, the list goes on and on. i respect peoples opinion who do not feed live food but would say that a good majority of the fish shrimp or what have you that all the pellets and flakes are made from are either caught in nets or bred in captivity for the soel purpose of being freeze dried or made into a flake. in my opinion its quicer and less painful for them to just get eaten quickly.
Funny for me to see this right now....I have a basic community tank with a good sized Angelfish and a couple dwarf gouramis....I have been trying to get guppies to breed just so the larger fish would at least have the experience of live food.

I think I finally have a prego to be fair, there is a lot of hiding places in my tank so we will see what happens....If lot's of baby guppies make it through I will have to start another tank :D
You can't get any closer to nature than feeding your fish live foods(plant or animal). It is my opinion that if you want to keep any animal(dog, cat,fish or what ever you might keep) you should respect its lineage. If the live food is in its self healthy, then feed them it. It is extreamly healthy for a fish to swim all over a tank hunting down a meal. It stimulates, reduceses tention and keeps their natural instinct and primal urges intacked and up to par, which equals a very healthy, happy, longer living friend. The way I see it is the closer I can simulate the surroundings of an animal and its region, the more knowledgeable I have become and the true natured companions of mine are happier....
J_acon said:
Has anyone heard or seen people breeding guppies just to feed their bigger fish?
Would you guys do it?
" Go for it " , but remember a varied diet is best .feed and treat your feeders well [water changes ].

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