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  1. N

    Ammonia And Stocking Q's

    ammonia is now at 0 and oh is still high at 7.5
  2. N

    Ammonia And Stocking Q's

    cool thanks for the advice current stats today are ph7.5 and below .25 for ammonia
  3. N

    Ammonia And Stocking Q's

    i added 4 kuhlis loachs two days ago.... never been much into this whole ammonia testing lark first time i did it yesterday hence why i lost the colour card. i have read most things on the forum now so i know bad thing not to do. filter media is green.
  4. N

    Ammonia And Stocking Q's

    guess hes not a giant danio hes as old as the tank when i got hiim and hes max 3.5in now probs a subspecies of danio then its 60CMx30CMx30cm rectangular ooo my ammonias .25 and my ph is 8 woops performed a 1/4 water change after that score
  5. N

    Ammonia And Stocking Q's

    hi guys back again those who remember me from last time i lost my ammonia test kit card which shows ammonia level its a aqauriumpharm test kit (api) does anyone know the linkfor colour codes ? also i have a 2.5yr old tank (54l) now currently housing one giant danio 2 rasbora (i link these...
  6. N

    Interesting Fish Hiding Places

    no im no concerned i just thought it was funny
  7. N


    i was on here a few months ago trying to indentify my unknown fish well i FINALLY did it he is a giant danio :) thanks for everyone that helped. so current tank setup is as follows 1 giant danio 2 rasbora (the danio killed of his mate and shoals with the rasbora strange i know )...
  8. N

    Strange Hiding Places

    i got 4 kuhlis and instead of burrowing into the pebbles or going under my log they have nested in my hollow no fishing sign will get some pics if i can. anyone else got fish that stay in strange places or do wierd things?
  9. N

    Interesting Fish Hiding Places

    I bought 4 black kuhli loaches and instead of living in the log as i thought they would ALL of they decided to squeeze into the no fishing sign i have which happens to be hollow. will post some pics when i can. Does anyone else have fish that just love to be different ?
  10. N

    A Minor Miricale!

    sure he didnt go under the door ?,.... i know my dog can open doors but a adf ? how big is he
  11. N

    How Many Posts Do You Need To Get Off Of Newbie?

    i think your both right people should read the posts and THEN if they still have questions post them thats the mistake i made i didnt read before posting all thoses threads on finding my fish (found it btw) i would still be on newbie status. but now i know through READING these posts and...
  12. N

    Just Started Taking Readings

    nothing really just thought id start off a post where people could just chat about anything
  13. N

    Best Way To Clean This Rock?

    oh no i owned a plec untill recently and he definately didnt cleen the tank i know about the waste issue too
  14. N

    Best Way To Clean This Rock?

    sorry :S :S only meant as a slight cleaner not if its a full blown algae explosion
  15. N

    Your Biggest Begginer Mistakes When You Started...

    not know anything abou the nitrogen cycle and ammonia until i read the posts on this forum oh and believing that the guy at my local lfs (p@h now dobbies) knew what he was talking about
  16. N

    How To Sex Corys

    thanks inchworm will try to answer some questions now rather than making loads of them :) .
  17. N

    Overstocked Understocked ?/

    yeh i think ill get 2 more corys next week and wait till my three bigger fish have died (there pretty old ) then get some kuhlis to go in the tank or could my kuhlis fit in the tank at present ?
  18. N

    Overstocked Understocked ?/

    yeah hes a pearl danio fully grown so really the tank is too small for him by get rid how do you mean how to you transport a fish for selling my lfs doesnt do swaps or even returns after a certain amount of time. i was thinking corys and another type i like the look of kuhli loachs but...
  19. N

    Best Way To Clean This Rock?

    if you into cleaning fish id get one of them if it compliments your tank and is the right size for it, it will love eating all the algae
  20. N

    Overstocked Understocked ?/

    would that bring my tank to full ? its got an air stick so is fully airiated
  21. N

    Overstocked Understocked ?/

    right just identified all my fish i have a 59X29X29 tank ie 50 ltrs or 13 gallons which currently houses 1pearl danio 1slender rasbora the pearl, slender and scissortail all shoal together and appear to be happy and a bit skitish 1scissortail rasbora 2corys 4zebra danio thses numbers...
  22. N

    Suitable Fish

    top right hand side of the page
  23. N

    Suitable Fish

    if your not sure on the gallons use the aquarium calculator to work it out. guessing is not a good thing to do with aquariums
  24. N

    Loach ?

    FOUND HIM once i took my pleco back hes started to cheer up and all my fish are looking better. and ive started taking readings of my tank now to ensure it wasn't bad hes actually a rather dull danio albolineatus or pearl danio and is fully grown (which is why hes so big ) what you can see...
  25. N

    Just Started Taking Readings

    right no of years owned tank -2 no of fish owned -30 (i know idiotic) no of known diseases enetered tank and killed all fish -4 no of fish now - 9 ph -light blue ammonia - 0 no2and no3 unknown any questions ?
  26. N

    How Many Posts Do You Need To Get Off Of Newbie?

    really i didnt think i posted that many and i only signed up 3 days ago *Quick edit as she sees how many posts she has done* i guess it depends what you are posting for mostly mine has been to find out what fish i have in my tank. others have been more constructive with there posts
  27. N

    Does Anyone Know What This Is

    still no luck iding this fish does now one know what this is i've been on every possible site i could think of. i even loaded all of fishbase on characins and looked at every SINGLE one ? i thought he might b a gaint danio or a silvery minnow but im not sure please guys i really need your help...
  28. N

    Will You Help Me Id My Fish?

    thankyou inchworm all others are id bar the big silver one which may be a minnow of some sort im new at iding fish (im the sap at the lfs you see going oooooo at the fish and not knowing a thing) so any help you guys have or if you can point me in the right direction would be appreciated...
  29. N

    Will You Help Me Id My Fish?

    any one any ideas what my unknown is i was thinking a minnow type but im not very sure ? should i ask in the cyprinid forums ?
  30. N

    Will You Help Me Id My Fish?

    well yeah course i would if their wellfair was at state if it was between fish or tv the tv would go. albino cory (need to get more i know getting some next week IF i id this last fish) yep thats all in the tank its only a 50 ltr thing
  31. N

    Will You Help Me Id My Fish?

    im not trying to swap im just trying to idetify my fish i would NEVER sell them
  32. N

    Will You Help Me Id My Fish?

    no i didnt bother trying to return them because they were nice but if i dont know the species i cant get more cos one died and now the toher one is lonely and dont call me idiotic thats rude :< i asked for four danios and got given 4 random silver fish out a tank but they were cute and i didnt...
  33. N

    Will You Help Me Id My Fish?

    the three are one large silver black strip from mid tail to mid body green/yellow tint to fins and tail one small silver possible scissortail rasbora one small silver black strip possible slender rasbora
  34. N

    Will You Help Me Id My Fish?

    i need to id my fish cos of a idiotic lfs i cant return the fish and get new ones because they have been living in my tank for a while (7mths) only until a few weeks ago when one of the four died and its mate got depressed tht i decided to get them id still no luck so far here are some photos...
  35. N

    Loach ?

    will go take some more pictures should i start a new thread on this ? cameras not to great so ill describe the pics as i add them
  36. N

    Loach ?

    thankyou im bringing my corys up to 4 and my rasbora up to 4 as well in a few weeks im just planning ahead one is a scissortail and one is a different type of rasbora a black line which my lfs stopped stocking i am still trying to identify my unknown unfortunately but hes started to get...
  37. N

    Loach ?

    heya at my local lfs they have an eel type thing which is labelled as a loach can he go in my tank with 2 corys 4 zebra danios 2 rasbora 1 unknown its a 50 ltr (13g) tank or will he grow too big i dont know much about loachs but hes only 3cm long and o.5cm wide
  38. N

    Guess The Size And Age Of My Fish

    lol funny 9 yrs old head to end of back 8.5" head to toe approx 10 inches hes a big guy :)
  39. N


    yeh if i see deformities i try to buy the fish if it goes well with my tank cos you know the lfs is gonna kill it although went to my old lfs a while back a gaint goldfish was upside down dead and green i told the store clerk and he went oh well we knew he was going
  40. N

    Lfs Opinion

    the one in souhtport is the local for me