A Minor Miricale!


New Member
Aug 17, 2009
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Staffordshire, UK.
Yesterday me and my better half witnessed a minor miracle with our African Dwarf Frog.

My tank is in my bedroom, upstairs at the furthest point in my room from the door - the door is kept shut.
At the bottom of the stairs is a small hallway. Straight ahead is the front door of the house, to the right the door to the dining room. This door is also kept shut.
When you enter the dining room you can turn right to the kitchen, or left into the front/living room.

Last night we were sat watching TV after we had gone out for a meal, it was around 11pm. I'm sat on the sofa furthest away from the door, then i notice movement on rug. At first i thought it was a spider, then as I watch the little "spider" hops towards me.... Its the frog! He's managed to escape the tank, navigate his way from the floor by the tank to the door, which he must have worked out how to open, and then shut behind him. Then he hops downstairs, hears us watching TV, opens and shuts another door, then makes his way over to see what we were laughing at (it was Family Guy BTW....)

He was swiftly captured and returned to his home, where all possible escape routes have now been thoroughly sealed!
A dwarf frog opened and closed a door...

Had you been drinking?
It was the ADF....

And he must have opened and closed both doors - the gap he would have had to crawl under is tiny! lol
my one did the same thing but didnt open any doors i found him on the floor i put him back in the tank 3 days later he was dead he was a african clawed frog r.i.p
I'm pretty sure he managed to get under the, I honestly don't think he opened them himself.... I'll try and not use sarcasm too often :p ;)

So far today he's stayed hidden, but seems to be moving around OK. I hope he's come out of his ordeal without any lasting damage. Would be gutted to loose him, especially after this!
cute story...what an adventure he had!
hope he gets by with no lasting effects. i would have been so shocked. really, a great story!
They can survive out of water until there skin becomes very dry and even then putting them in a tank may revive them. Something is wrong with the ADFs environment if they are attempting to escape, watch them a little more and double check that they are not being bullied or high competition for a small quantity of cave cover.
I think it was more of an opportunist escape, rather than any planning through him being unhappy with his environment.

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