Will You Help Me Id My Fish?

the three are one large silver black strip from mid tail to mid body green/yellow tint to fins and tail

one small silver possible scissortail rasbora

one small silver black strip possible slender rasbora
i need to id my fish cos of a idiotic lfs i cant return the fish and get new ones because they have been living in my tank for a while (7mths)

Are you being serious that you tried to return fish after 7 months? and you think that the LFS are idiotic for not having them back?
no i didnt bother trying to return them because they were nice but if i dont know the species i cant get more cos one died and now the toher one is lonely and dont call me idiotic thats rude :<

i asked for four danios and got given 4 random silver fish out a tank but they were cute and i didnt want to take them back

its just when i want to identify them people say ahh just take them back
Hey - easy goes peeps - magic yourselves calm :wizard:

7 months is a long time. You wouldnt be able to return them. Just think about if you bought a Tv and 7 months down the line you decided you didnt like it. The shop wouldnt take that back either.

but... you could probably donate it to the fish shop, or take it there as an exchange. Many fish shops do this as it helps them keep customers. Give that a try. If that fails, get into the livestock "buy and sell" section on this forum. Lots of good homes for fishes in there.

Its always best to know what you're buying BEFORE you hand over the hard cash. Next time, take a look around the shop and write the names of fish you like so you can research them. You can save yourself a lot of cash and a heap of trouble by doing that first.

Good luck with the swaps.
I hope you would sell your fish if they were unsuitable for the tank...

And I was wrong, that second fish is a rasbora, and you're correct on it's ID.
So you have...
1 unknown
2 Cory (what species?)
1 Blackline/Slender rasbora
1 Scissortail Rasbora
4 Zebra Danio

well yeah course i would if their wellfair was at state

if it was between fish or tv the tv would go.

albino cory (need to get more i know getting some next week IF i id this last fish)

yep thats all in the tank its only a 50 ltr thing
any one any ideas what my unknown is i was thinking a minnow type but im not very sure ?

should i ask in the cyprinid forums ?
Hi naughtbutbones :)

I think that would be a good idea. I'll move your thread over there for you.

BTW, if you have an albino cory, it's most likely a C. aeneus (albino) :D
thankyou inchworm

all others are id bar the big silver one which may be a minnow of some sort im new at iding fish (im the sap at the lfs you see going oooooo at the fish and not knowing a thing) so any help you guys have or if you can point me in the right direction would be appreciated.

also you may not be able to see this in the photo but his fins and tail have a green sparkle to them

i think he is a striped shiner


or a danio abolineatus


but i need a second opinon
no i didnt bother trying to return them because they were nice but if i dont know the species i cant get more cos one died and now the toher one is lonely and dont call me idiotic thats rude :<

i asked for four danios and got given 4 random silver fish out a tank but they were cute and i didnt want to take them back

its just when i want to identify them people say ahh just take them back

I didn't say you were idiotic - I was just trying to clarify the points - which you have done in this post - you were the only person that called anyone idiotic :good:

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