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  1. S

    20 Gallon Solo

    What about some sort of puffer? What would be a good type of puffer for a 20gallon? Maybe a Figure Eight?
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    20 Gallon Solo

    1ft wide 2ft long and tall maybe.
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    20 Gallon Solo

    Im looking for a good size colorful solo fish for a 20gallon freshwater aquarium. Any ideas?
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    Help, Id Of Eggs

    about 3days to hatch?
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    Help, Id Of Eggs

    1 but i believe its to tiny to lay eggs that big, and that many.
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    Help, Id Of Eggs

    Thats what its looking like haha theyes even more now they are all over the place. What should i do? I dont have a seperate tank best i can do is like a bucket lol. They even layed some right on the filter intake will they get sucked it? should i move them? Im all confused atm
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    Help, Id Of Eggs

    try now
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    Help, Id Of Eggs

    I just today noticed clear/white looiking eggs in clumps all over my tank glass. I have a pleco, corys, neon tetra, long fin tetra, and harlequin(sp) rasboras. Sorry for the low quality, camera phone
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    Stocking Help

    Currently i have ~20-25gallon tall tank. its heavily planted with live and real plants. Current stock is 5 neon tetras 4 rasboras 3 long finned tetras 5 cories 1 rubber lip pleco 3 sunburst mollies Was wondering if i had room for some nice fish. Maybe a nice centerpiece fish idk
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    Fish That Hate Currents... Getting Them Over It?

    Sunfish? I did a sunfish search and it came with the huge wierd looking marine fish
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    20 Gallon Stock

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    20 Gallon Stock

    Currently i have ~20-25gallon tall tank. its heavily planted with live and real plants. Current stock is 5 neon tetras 4 rasboras 3 long finned tetras 5 cories 1 rubber lip pleco 3 sunburst mollies Was wondering if i had room for some nice fish. Maybe a nice centerpiece fish idk
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    Sounds good thanks for the fast reply. I might get the pleco tomorrow and maybe some more neons or rasboras?
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    I have a 20-25gallon tall tank that has about 5-6 plants 1 fake plant and some caves so plenty of hiding places. Right now the current stocking is 5 neon tetras 5 corries 4 rasbora 3 sunburst mollies I was wondering if i have room for a rubberlip pleco and maybe some more schooling fish?
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    Good Solo Fish?

    Im pretty sure thats the bare minimum for an oscar so you MIGHT try that
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    Filter Media

    Thanks for the detailed response
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    Filter Media

    If i have some filter media that has good bacteria in it and i want to use it on my new cycling tank where do i put it? Should i find a way to put it in the filter or just hang it in the tank or what? Please help :) thanks
  18. S

    Filter Help

    Okay i have a 20gallon tall tank. I plan to put lots of small fish and some plants in it. I was wondering what a good filter would be?
  19. S


    Thanks man youve been a big help :) ill keep this thread updated as i go along So far my shopping list is Drift wood 6-8 neon tetras 2 Rams Cories/some other schooling small fish 2 Sword plants Java Moss wrapped around slate and drift wood with fishing line?
  20. S


    Rams and neons are 1-2inch right? So could i say get 8 neons and 2 rams and be good? Edit: Oh and is java moss a hardy easy to care for plant? No need for a DIY CO2 thing?
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    What would be some good, colorful fish for the 20gallon? The aquarium is a taller one not a wide one. I was planning on putting a tall piece of driftwood then maybe cover that with a patch of java moss? Then put a group of neon tetras and i dont know what else haha. Possibly some rams and a...
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    Sounds good thank you. Ill report back to you
  23. S


    So should i add the Media to the filter then add ammonia to get to 5.0 then once everything 0s out im ready?
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    Sounds good. Yes i have a good water test kit and idk about the ammonia I have "ACE Ammonia Janitorial Strength Formula contains 10% ammonium hydroxide." Havent read that but will do Edit: Just checked ammonia no ingredient list but does not foam when shaken
  25. S


    So say i have a 20 gallon tank and a 55 gallon tank. The 55 gallon tank has been going for a year or two. The 20 gallon i just bought. Could i take 20 gallons from the 55 gallon tank and some filter media and put it in the 20gallon? Maybe wait a week instead of waiting 6?