20 Gallon Solo


New Member
Jul 2, 2009
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Im looking for a good size colorful solo fish for a 20gallon freshwater aquarium. Any ideas?
What are the dimesnsions of the tank? A long fish will require a long tank, no matter what the volume.
OK, in a 2 foot tank you're looking at a fish that is about 4 inches long. How about a trio of betta imbellis (1M, 2F) or a single giant betta splendens?

Anything larger won't be suitable.

Do you plan to have any other fish in there or just the one?
What about some sort of puffer? What would be a good type of puffer for a 20gallon? Maybe a Figure Eight?
Asian Bumblebee, large (about 4-5 inches) impressive, aggressive and very intelligent.

Bumblebees are gorgeous! Aren't they nocturnal though? Mine hide all day but they're a hoot when they come out after dark.
I would try to keep a rainbow cichlid alone in a tank that size. In such a small tank, I would not try to place anything else with him. They typically grow to 4 or 5 inches long as adults. This is some of mine in a much larger tank. I did keep them all in a 29 gallon tank the first 6 months I had them but now they are the showpiece in my 125 gallon tank.

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