Stocking Help


New Member
Jul 2, 2009
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Currently i have ~20-25gallon tall tank. its heavily planted with live and real plants. Current stock is

5 neon tetras
4 rasboras
3 long finned tetras
5 cories
1 rubber lip pleco
3 sunburst mollies

Was wondering if i had room for some nice fish. Maybe a nice centerpiece fish idk
Tank sounds like its nice at the moment :) Good call on the rubber lip we see far too many common plecs in 20 gallons. Few questions with the rasboras do you mean the harliquins? Like a gold with a black triangle? Or are they one of the micro raspora that are surfacing quite a lot now?
With the long finned tetras what kind are these? It could be a few different types.

I think your close to full stocking but you could maybe top up your schools to 6 of each and them maybe add a trio of sparkling gourami? Or a honey goruami though not sure how they would mix with the mollies. Or if you can find them as they are a little rare a badis of some kind there are all kinds of colour variations, all natural as far as I know as well which is good - most common are the red or purple ones in my area.


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