Help, Id Of Eggs

Thats what its looking like haha theyes even more now they are all over the place.

What should i do? I dont have a seperate tank best i can do is like a bucket lol.

They even layed some right on the filter intake will they get sucked it? should i move them?

Im all confused atm
Yep agree with nelly, cory eggs.. and congrats.... if there are more now just keep watching the cory's it's unmistakable once you see how they do it :)


Thats what its looking like haha theyes even more now they are all over the place.

What should i do? I dont have a seperate tank best i can do is like a bucket lol.

They even layed some right on the filter intake will they get sucked it? should i move them?

Im all confused atm

No extra tank, have you got a breeding trap?, move them to that by carefully rolling them off what ever there attached to and they should stick to your finger, place them in the trap. You will need another tank eventually tough to rear them otherwise the other fish will just eat them, and if the eggs are not removed theres a high chance the cory's themselves will eat them.
1 but i believe its to tiny to lay eggs that big, and that many.
Are there any snails in this tank? It looks like snail eggs.

Snail eggs?, they are usually quite small arnt they?..... and apple snails as far as im aware lay out of the water.

I would certainly go with cory eggs myself
Looks like <1cm clumps and have the pinkish tint like pond snail eggs do.

I think the pinkish tinge is just a reflexion, i think they would probably be more a whity beige in reality, could well be snail eggs, i wouldnt really have any idea tbh but i will still say by the pics that im 90% sure it will; be the cory's
I would agree with the Corys, snail eggs are smaller and normaly less scattered about than that

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