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  1. C

    Should I keep my Pleco?

    My tanks dimensions are 4 feet long, 18.5" wide, and I think 23" tall. Can Siamese Algae eaters be kept alone? How big do they get?
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    Should I keep my Pleco?

    Ok, I just found out my pleco is a common. I thought he was a BN but I was wrong. He is in a 90 gallon tank with 2 blue gouramis, 4 rosy barbs(planning on keeping 1-3 of my rosy barb babies in another tank), 2 cherry barbs, 1 dojo loach, 5 platies, and 11 zebra danios. I really like the way my...
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    Rosy Barbs?

    Rosy Barbs are crazy fish. When I put my hand in my tank to do maintenance the all swarm around my arm and start biting it. :) They are very fun to watch
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    sudden death (no joke)

    I have never used dechlorinator in my life and all my fish are fine. But I guess I do use well water :)
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    Ghost Shrimp With One Front Leg?

    Hi, I just bought 2 ghost shrimp and I have noticed that one only has one front leg. Is this normal? Will it grow back? Thanks
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    Filtration for a 90 gallon

    I just measured behind my tank and it is about 4 and a half inches clearance. Guess I'll have to save up for a 300 or 500 :D This hobby is so expensive and addicting :)
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    Filtration for a 90 gallon

    Ya the 150 will fit behind my tank but I saw one AC 500 at the lfs and it LOOKED to wide but I am not sure. Does anyone know how wide the 500s are? Thanks
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    Filtration for a 90 gallon

    Hi, I already have a fluval 304 on my 90 but I think I need more. Do you think my AquaClear 150 would be enough? Also the space behind my tank is limited so I can't have one of those huge HOB filters. Thanks :)
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    What is the Best Way To Crush Up Flakes for Fry?

    Hi, I have a lot of rosy barb fry and about 5 platy fry in a 25 gallon and I was wondering what is the best way to crush up normal flakes into fine powder? It just seems like they are having trouble eating the flakes I crushed up. All I did was put some flakes in a bag and crushed them with my...
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    Rosy Barb and Platy fry?

  11. C

    Rosy Barb and Platy fry?

    Hi, I just moved my rosy barbs out of my 25 and into the 90 and the next day I see little fry all over the glass and platy babies resting in the gravel! I didnt even know that I would have babies. I think the fry on the glass are rosy barbs and I am sure the ones in the gravel are platies. The...
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    Heating For a 90 gallon

    The tank is in a basement and it is always the same temperature down there.
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    Heating For a 90 gallon

    Ya thanx for the info. One problem, my lfs only has 300 watt heaters. Would one be ok? They are really expensive.
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    Heating For a 90 gallon

    I need to know what heating I need for my 90 gallon. Thanks :)
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    Gouramis 'feelers'

    When I put my fingers up to the glass my Three-spot Gouramis come over and "feel" the glass where my fingers are. :lol:
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    Food Experimenting

    I have fed my fish insects such as ants and spiders. I have also fed them freshwater shrimp from the pond in front of my house. They really love those!
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    Compatible Fish

    Thanx alot guys. I might try getting some guppies i dunno. Maybe I will start with non-fancy ones cuz there only 99 cents. What do u think about dalmation mollies with my fish??
  18. C

    Compatible Fish

    I have a 45 gallon tank right now with 2 blue gouramis, 4 two spot barbs, 3 tiger barbs, 2 cherry barbs, and an algae eater. I am thinking of getting guppies or neon tetras but don't know if these other fish do well with them. Could someone please tell me whether they will survive or not...