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  1. G

    Ciclid Caves has some but they're not the ones your talkiing about. I was looking for fish on the web the other day and seen the ones your asking about but I can't remember where. The coconut caves work well, I have 2 in my 29 gallon and it only took a few hours to make them, boiling...
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    Biotodoma Cupido

    Thanks tree. I live in Florida so everything is either farm raised or bought from a breeder or at least that's what my LFS owner tells me. One of my gold rams has gotten really aggressive so I'm having second thoughts on the cupido. It's a community tank with Rasboras, panda corries, neons and 2...
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    Biotodoma Cupido

    I was hoping they'd be ok together. My LFS said it would be ok but I wanted to hear what others had to say. Trying to make an informed choice. They look like big rams that's what caught my eye.
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    Biotodoma Cupido

    I'm thinking of getting 1 of these for my 29 gallon. How's their temperment? Will one be ok with a couple gold rams? I already do 1-2 water changes a week for the rams. That being said will that be ok for a cupido? Tank stats are Temp=80 PH=7.2 Nitrate=5-10 (closer to 5) Ammonia and nitrite are...
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    Adding A 2nd Filter?

    I'll give it a shot. Your advise is always good! I use small micro pellets and I count how many I put in every day. I'll cut it in half. Thanks for the help. I'm going to add the second filter also. I'll do both to make sure my fish are ok.
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    Adding A 2nd Filter?

    I'm going to be adding a 2nd filter to my planted 29. It currently has a biowheel 150, the box says for use up to a 30 gallon tank. I'm going to be adding another just like it. Will it have any effect on my cycled tank? I don't want to cause a mini cycle. It's cheaper fo me to buy a 2nd filter...
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    Black Sand

    That's the same stuff I got. It's CaribSea Super Naturals aquarium gravel. Tahitian moon.
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    Black Sand

    I've got a black substrate that is very similar to sand. It's extremely fine black shiney gravel. I can't remember the name but as soon as I get home I'll post it. It's about 2 months old and hasn't faded like the black gravel in my bigger tank. I'm in the U.S. though.
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    Picky Ram

    You get those at the grocery store betta? I'm in Florida. I'll go get some for sure. I didn't know it helps with parasites or I would already be doing it.
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    Picky Ram

    Yeah I figured out the problem. I have to drop food in and walk around the corner where he cant see me. I peek around the corner and he eats fine when I'm not in the room. Goofy fish!
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    Chipped Tank!

    Its the old one moose. Sorry I didn't see that before. It hasn't gotten any worse but it's in the lower half.
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    Newbie Question

    My LFS is the same way. I got a 1 hour lecture on overfeeding my first trip in. Before they will sell you a fish that needs a mature tank the owner will ask everything about your tank. The more expensive the fish the more he asks. The best part is there is not 1 dog, cat, bird, or reptile in the...
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    Chipped Tank!

    Thanks, looks like I've got some work to do.
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    Chipped Tank!

    Ive got an idea of what to do. Buy a big enough container to hold the plants, driftwood and granite. Net the fish and put them in a bucket. ( I don't want to but I think I have to). I'll have the new tank with black sand rinsed and ready to go before messing with the existing one. Empty out the...
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    Chipped Tank!

    If it wasn't for bad luck I'd have none. While cleaning my tank I bumped a peice of granite I had leaning on another to make a cave and wouldn't you know it hit the side and chipped the glass. It's a 29 gallon planted with 12 small fish. It's filtered with a bio wheel and was fishless cycled...
  16. G

    Picky Ram

    I'll try to find daphnia tomorrow. What is it? He doesn't look to thin and he shows some blue in his coloring. Could it still be because of the new tank? It's cycled but it's new to him. Ive had my pleco for a month and he just started coming out to eat this week. I don't let the nitrates get...
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    Picky Ram

    OK now I'm starting to get mad. I've tried everything I can think of and the little guy still won't eat. It still acts normal though. Swimming around with his top fin straight up or swimming up and down on the front glass. Water is still the same as before. Still picks at the gravel and moss...
  18. G

    Picky Ram

    No response to the brine shrimp at all. More worried about being on the same side of the tank that I was standing closest too than food. I've got hakari micro wafers I put in almost everyday. I'm starting to worry now.
  19. G

    Picky Ram

    Thanks for the advice! I just got home from picking up some frozen brine shrimp. San francisco bay brand. I got some wardley cichlid crumbles also. I'll try the frozen shrimp tomorrow as I've already fed them today. Thanks again.
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    Picky Ram

    I've got a picky Bolivian ram that doesn't like flakes, shrimp pellets, or hakari micro wafers. He just spits it out. After lights out he picks at the gravel for food but he won't eat any of the above. The coolest little fish though, he wasn't phased by the trip from the fish store 3 weeks ago...
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    Media Questions

    WD, you and OM47 are life savers. I've got a different problem now. I've got 2 sick gourami, one has a red bump on his chin and a ragged spot on his tail and the other has a spot on his lower fin that's discolored like the other had before it turned ragged. The ragged tail is a very small spot...
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    Sick Dwarf Gourami

    Ok make that 2 sick dwarf gourami.
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    Sick Dwarf Gourami

    Ive got 2 dwarf gourami in a community tank with some corrys, neon tetras, rasporas, a pleco, and a Bolivian ram. Yesterday I noticed a red bump on one of the gourami chin where his gills meet. I put him in a hospital tank. What's the best way to treat him and what do I need to do to make sure...
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    Media Questions

    Ive looked several places and the only filter I could find is the same that came with it. The cartridge isn't that expensive but I found that walmart sells filters that are made by the same company just cheaper made. All I use those for is the black plastic cage. I remove the blue padding and...
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    Media Questions

    Thanks WD. I was thinking it may be time for a new cartridge but I don't want to risk a mini cycle as I now have almost a fully stocked tank. I've been doing daily h2o tests and everything is great but I want to keep it that way. Should I cut the used pad in half and use it as the inside of the...
  26. G

    Media Questions

    I have a 29 gallon planted with a penguin biowheel 150. It has 2 slots for media, in the first slot I use the filter you buy. The 2nd is a DIY filter made using an old filter and a new filter pad with poly-fil in place of carbon. The filters are beginning to restrict the flow (waters coming out...
  27. G

    Normal Nitrate Rise?

    Whats the normal ppm jump per day on nitrates? The reason I ask is because it jumped 10 ppm in 24 hours. My fishless cycle ended about 2 weeks ago, I now have 5 zebra danios, 2 dwarf guarmi, and a small bristlenose pleco. I'm pretty sure I overfed. I gave them 3 total of tetra crisps last night...
  28. G

    Temperature In Tank Sky High!

    It sounds like the exact opposite of Florida. It's only cold here maybe 2 or 3 weeks, the rest of the time it's 80+. The cost of AC in UK sounds awful, you guys are lucky it's only hot for a short time. I'm sorry for highjacking the thread I was just curious.
  29. G

    Temperature In Tank Sky High!

    I'm from the states, Florida to be exact. Is it common to not have air conditioning in the UK? I know most Walmarts and Home Depot sell window units for under 150$ but you need AC year round here because without it the temp indoors is over 95 degrees. Please excuse my ignorance I thought most...
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    First Bogwood

    If it's Zoo Med Mopani, good luck. You can boil it all you want, soak for a month and it still turns the water in the soaking container brown. I'm putting it out in the sun now, hopefully that will do the trick. I've tried everything and it still leaches tannins.
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    Fishless Cycling Question

    At 20 hours my results Ammonia 0 Nitrite .5 Nitrate 40-80 PH 7.4-7.6 The nitrite at 3 pm was 5+ ppm (I checked it twice) at 9 pm it was .5 ppm (also checked twice). Thanks for the advice WD, I'm glad I took your advice. That would of sucked if fish were in there when it spiked again!
  32. G

    Fishless Cycling Question

    I'm glad I waited. Today my nitrites are 5ppm. PH is between 7.6 and 7.4. What happened? Is this high of a respike normal? I'll test at 24 hours but this worries me.
  33. G

    Fishless Cycling Question

    0 Nitrite, 0 ammonia, 20-40 nitrate, PH 7.6. It took 27 days but they're 0 at 12 hours. Is 3 days long enough to wait or do I need to go the full 5 of being 0 at 12 hours? That water change did the trick. I should have listened earlier. I'm so happy now I need to figure out what fish to get...
  34. G

    Fishless Cycling Question

    90% water change done! I learned something about API test kits today. Off the chart nitrates turn brown when bottle 1 is added. I thought my nitrates were 5-10, it turns out they were off the chart and have been for over a week. Nitrites are readable now. I'm thinking the cycle is almost done...
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    Little Update And A Couple Of Questions

    I wished I knew something else to tell ya but that's all I know. I live in Florida so I thought about sitting it in this 98 degree heat to cure but I don't know if it'll work or not. It's cool looking driftwood but a pain in the butt to cure as your finding out. The other wood I boiled for 2...
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    Little Update And A Couple Of Questions

    Change the water in the container everyday. Mine never made it to the tank because of the tea colored water.
  37. G

    Little Update And A Couple Of Questions

    Im a newb myself but I believe the wood is mopani. If it's zoo med mopani I boiled mine for over 16 hours and it is still leaching tannins which is what is turning the water brown. I gave up and went and bought another piece of drift wood that wasn't mopani. The mopani is in a pot of water in my...
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    Fishless Cycling Question

    Today just for kicks I added 5 ml of my tank water to 75 ml of 0 nitrite tap water. I figured I could run a nitrite test on that and multiply the reading x 16 and know roughly where the nitrites are. It was a little less than 5 so 5x16=80 ppm. Wednesday I'm going to do a 90% water change and see...
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    Fishless Cycling Question

    Tonights tests, PH- high range 7.4-7.8, low range 7.6 Ammonia 0 Nitrites 5+ Nitrates 5-10 The nitrite didn't turn purple as soon as the drops were added, it took till the drops sat on the bottom of the tube today. It has been changing as soon as the drops hit the water.
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    Fishless Cycling Question

    Yes it's fishless but there are 6 plants so I don't want to go to high. Is it possible the plants are using the nitrates and that's why I'm not seeing them rise above 10?