Adding A 2nd Filter?


New Member
Jun 11, 2009
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I'm going to be adding a 2nd filter to my planted 29. It currently has a biowheel 150, the box says for use up to a 30 gallon tank. I'm going to be adding another just like it. Will it have any effect on my cycled tank? I don't want to cause a mini cycle. It's cheaper fo me to buy a 2nd filter and I won't have to worry about cycling it I hope. I don't think I'm overfeeding and I keep it clean but everytime I feed the fish the water turns cloudy for the rest of the night then clears by morning. It doesn't matter what kind of food I use either, I've tried nutrafin, tetra, and hikari. The water still turns cloudy.

Stats are
nitrates 5-10
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
PH 7.2
temp 77-78
Your new filter will not cause any problems at all but overfeeding the fish will still make your water become cloudy. With no filter at all, the water would stay crystal clear if you only fed what the fish would eat in a very short time. One of the most common and easiest way to kill fish is overfeeding. It may seem like you are not overfeeding but please try feeding only half as much for the next week and see how things go.
I'll give it a shot. Your advise is always good! I use small micro pellets and I count how many I put in every day. I'll cut it in half. Thanks for the help. I'm going to add the second filter also. I'll do both to make sure my fish are ok.

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