Ciclid Caves


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2009
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Hi there , Im new to the hobby so hope this is posted in the right section. :unsure:
I am looking to add some type of apisto in the next few months once my tank is more mature and hopefully a bit better organised and sorted out, I have a HUGE piece of bogwood I need to get rid of to make room and large fake rock arch caves which the fishes never use.... :crazy:
Question is I saw small ceramic cichlid caves that could be stacked into small rock formations, my pc carshed before i could tab it,,, have looked million of times and never been able to find it , does anyone have any suggestions / ideas or recommend any other reliable websites, :unsure:

thank you in advance for any replies which will be greatly apprecited :good:
terracotta plant pots? Half bury them in the substrate.

As YF says, coconut caves can look good. I've got one in preperation for adding Rams. has some but they're not the ones your talkiing about. I was looking for fish on the web the other day and seen the ones your asking about but I can't remember where. The coconut caves work well, I have 2 in my 29 gallon and it only took a few hours to make them, boiling them took up 2 of those hours. I think the caves your talking about are cichlid stones.
yep coconut caves .
half a coconut shell with one end chipped out place it in a bowl of water in a sunny window and sprinkle java moss clippings over it give it a month AH apisto heaven :rolleyes:

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