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  1. C

    My Pebble Cave Creation

    I loved this idea so I set about making my own. Aparently my talents lie elsewhere and I have a few random bits of 'wall' stuck together and everything else fell apart. I think maybe the stones weren't dry enough when I started as I'd boiled them an hour or so before. I actually quite like...
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    Moss For A Coconut Shell

    Thank you both. I'm going to try to do it myself. I may post pictures.
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    Moss For A Coconut Shell

    Zachary, how did you split your coconut and remove the flesh without breaking it up?! I bought one yesterday and am not sure what to do.
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    Sources Of Ammonia

    Yes. Sorry. That's my fault. I'm trying to find ammonia at the moment and am puzzled to why it's not common to find it in fish shops, since this seems to be the prefered way to protect the health of our fish? (Should I start a new thread?) :blush:
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    Sources Of Ammonia

    Is there an obvious reason why ammonia isn't stocked by most local fish shops?
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    I Might Be A Convert To Plastic Plants :")

    I noticed a tank picture on here recently with silk plants and I thought that looked fantastic.
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    Starting Cycling On Wednesday. Preperation And Supplies?

    That makes sense. I'll do that. Thanks all.
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    Starting Cycling On Wednesday. Preperation And Supplies?

    Thanks. I'm picking the filter media up on Wednesday - the tank is empty at the moment. I'm hoping to do a fishless cycle as I'd rather not risk any fish if there's an alternative. But if the media means I can do it safely with some fish in then I'd go for that option.
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    Starting Cycling On Wednesday. Preperation And Supplies?

    That's great. Thanks for the speedy reply. Good luck with yours too. Did you mean yes I need the ammonia or yes I can use flakes instead? :blush: I'm having so much fun!
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    Starting Cycling On Wednesday. Preperation And Supplies?

    I've decided to start cycling my quarentine/breeding tank while I'm waiting to set up my 4 foot tank. It's 40 litres and has a PAT mini filter. I'm picking up some mature media on Wednesday. I have some smooth gravel to add if that would be better than a bare floor and I have a couple of bits...
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    New Tank, Trying To Decide On Substrate And Stocking.

    Quick update. New builder hopefully coming tomorrow. He's working on the house next door and thinks it will be okay. Bought a small 'complete setup' today to use as a quarentine/breeding tank. I'll start that one off first and the guy at the fish shop offered some filter media to start me...
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    New Tank, Trying To Decide On Substrate And Stocking.

    That's part of their charm for me. I might get to see them playing when the lights are out too as the tank will be in my bedroom.
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    New Tank, Trying To Decide On Substrate And Stocking.

    Thanks. Yes, I'm intending to spend a few months stocking it (for financial reasons as much as fish welfare.) So that takes me to my tank limit then?
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    New Tank, Trying To Decide On Substrate And Stocking.

    Hiya. Thanks for the replies and the tip for the heater. Builder was a no-show. :rolleyes: However, I'm not giving up and will try someone else next week (when half term is over with!) I was going to ask about temperature but was thinking around the 26 degree mark. I've had a good mooch...
  15. C

    Fish Inc - Reccomended Shop

    Thumbs up from me too. The staff are extremely helpful, knowledgeable and friendly and there is loads of choice. Also, I noticed that the bettas weren't crammed into little jam jars like most shops I've been in. There was a single male in several of the tanks among the other fish.
  16. C

    Is It Good To Give Fish A Straving Day?

    Interesting thread. I didn't know this was okay. We go away for a couple of nights every few weeks. How would this tie in with that? I'm intending to feed the fish each evening, so I presume a light feed on the morning we leave then miss the next day and a feed at the normal time the day...
  17. C

    Hi Im New

    Hiya Princesscoral. I'm new too. Good to meet you! I'm just starting a tank of a similar size to you with my children so it will be fun to see how you get on. :good: So far they seem to like the idea of having lots of shoaling fish and a few bigger, colourful ones. Maybe neon tetras...
  18. C

    New Tank, Trying To Decide On Substrate And Stocking.

    Oh they're lovely. I think I like the look of the habrosus most, if they all have similar temperaments and requirements. So far I'm thinking: 8 pygmy corrys 10 zebra danios 4 kuhli loaches or a slightly larger, sucking type that isn't aggressive? (female bristlenose?) 10 neon tetras 2 German...
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    Whats The Best Fish Store You Have Been To And Tell Why

    Good to hear that Wharf Aquatics are prepared to rehome fish that have grown too big. It shows commitment to the welfare of the fish and sounds like they wouldn't fob off customers with bad advice just to make a sale. I'm hoping to go there next week after doing some research and this one...
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    Any Ideas How To Clean/disinfect Quarantine Tank Following Sick Gouram

    May I ask about this, please? I'm trying to find out the cheapest way to set up a quarantine tank and wondered if a filter was essential? Are daily partial water changes suitable for example?
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    New Tank, Trying To Decide On Substrate And Stocking.

    Really helpful replies. Thank you. Will do some more reading on the GBRs. They are gorgeous. I really like your set up, Geoff. Is that a coconut shell? How did you prepare it? (Builder coming tomorrow to check my floor is strong enough. Very excited!)
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    New Tank, Trying To Decide On Substrate And Stocking.

    Thank you for the speedy replies. I was expecting sand to be harder to look after. It's helpful to know that it isn't. I understand that children's play sand is cheaper and fine for the job?
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    New Tank, Trying To Decide On Substrate And Stocking.

    I have learned so much since finding this site, only a few days ago. I've been reading round carefully and can see so many mistakes that I made when I kept fish as a teenager. :blush: So, determined to get it right (at pushing 40), I know it will be a few weeks before I have fish in my tank...
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    250l Tropical Planted Tank

    Thank you for this thread. I love your tank. I'll be setting mine up soon and will be using your pictures for inspiration.
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    How Do I Know If My Floor Is Strong Enough For My Tank?

    I see. Thank you for the advice. I'll do that.
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    How Do I Know If My Floor Is Strong Enough For My Tank?

    Okay. Thank you. I take it I need a builder to check it then. I wish I hadn't had the carpet laid yet!
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    How Do I Know If My Floor Is Strong Enough For My Tank?

    It is about 110 years old. The bedroom is in the attic, which isn't a conversion - it's always been part of the house.
  28. C

    How Do I Know If My Floor Is Strong Enough For My Tank?

    Hi. Thanks for the speedy response. Not including the weight of the tank and stand, I think it's 170 litres.
  29. C

    How Do I Know If My Floor Is Strong Enough For My Tank?

    Hello to you all. This is my first post and I wanted to first say thank you for the wealth of information and advice I have already found here. I have a tank and stand in my bedroom. It is 48 by 12 by 18 inches. The floor has taken the weight of a bookcase full of records, a double bed...