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  1. Panamera

    Eye Bigger Than Other Eye? !?

    ok its popeye. and im not sure if its deadly and if my gourami died because of it. is it?/???? does it need medication purchased or will it get cured on itself? :(
  2. Panamera

    Eye Bigger Than Other Eye? !?

    ever had a fish's eye stick out more than its other eye? it happened with my gourami. it died. its eye got really bloated on one side. then died now my krib , im noticing its right eye is a bit more out than the left eye. not as badly as the gourami. but im worried what causes this? what...
  3. Panamera

    Swordtail. Internal Injury/bleeding?

    oh its all good lol. by ST i meant swordtail :P. ohwell. ive got some fry left over from it lol they;ll grow
  4. Panamera

    Swordtail. Internal Injury/bleeding?

    thanks for the huge inflow of opinions, the fish is now deceased
  5. Panamera

    ! ! ! Livebearer's Club ! ! !

    whats the point? isnt that kinda what the Livebearer part of the forums already was?
  6. Panamera

    Swordtail. Internal Injury/bleeding?

    I noticed my female ST sitting in the bottom on the gravel. thought it may be pregnant or something. but then i noticed its not fat at all. and when it tried to move away (crawly jumping on the gravel) i notced on one side a really red spot, where the dark spot for babies starts. and its...
  7. Panamera

    Yay, New Fish!

    it seems the mother of that swordtail had some happy time with a goldfish lol.
  8. Panamera

    Fry Escaping Through Fry Breeding Net - Alternatives?

    no they arent. i bought the most expensive one. and i was gutted to see my fry just swim out of it without any trouble. all of them are rubbish. the human mind is the best answer. i bought some silicon and filled the gaps that the stupid designers who made them, forgot to fill. i mean come on...
  9. Panamera

    Can Baby Fry Feed On Vacation Food Blocks?

    it should be alright. they'll just peck at it and get what they can off it. just to be sure, do what johnrossdele said. break it up
  10. Panamera

    What If My Guppy Gives Birth While Im At School?

    guppies dont hunt down their babies. they should survive. if its jsut platties that is. you may have other big hungry fish or tetras
  11. Panamera

    Sole Surviving Swordtail Fry =(

    Thanks man. poor thing. if only it could understand i was trying to save it from getting eaten, it wouldnt be so eager to get out. mine wasnt a net. Marina 2 in 1 breeder. plastic one. most expensive one. so it should technicaly be the best one. well thats the idea atleast. but eh obviously...
  12. Panamera

    Sole Surviving Swordtail Fry =(

    im trying to find some breeding tanks. no luck yet. waiting for better things to come. and i dunno krib may have to go. my question is. why does marina make a breeder that defeats the purpose? the thing that babies drop through that seperates mother from fry. that thing has gaps so big on the...
  13. Panamera

    Sole Surviving Swordtail Fry =(

    NO NO NO NO 5H!T. after all my helping and caring for it. its not there. my fry is not in the breeder :(. it must have gotten out somehow. The marina 2 in 1 breeder it was. i dont udnerstand. there was noway it could have gotten out. :( it'll take me another year before i can find fry with a...
  14. Panamera

    Too Many Platies - What To Do?

    give them to your LFS. i did that with my guppies. even guppies that are very very very common, i always got some store credit or discounts on other things i purchased =). dont give all tho, keep some of the fry for yourself. you dont want to do what i did. gave all my guppy juvi's and fry...
  15. Panamera

    Guppy (now With Pics)

    dont judge just by that. you may have some virgin young females that have that dark gravid spot. in guppies it dosnt mean pregnant. not in smaller fish anyways. guppies will get so big it looks like they are going to explode =) goodluck.
  16. Panamera

    Sole Surviving Swordtail Fry =(

    i woke up, and i saw my bloating female Sword was as slim as paris hilton. so i knew she'd dropped. i see a little St fry just floating there in the open. just as a grab my net i see my krib race to it and gobble it up. DAMN! so i start looking for more i cant find any. at the same time my...
  17. Panamera

    7 Fry Now 2

    they are most likely hiding and camo'ing amongst the gravel. so you probably cant see them unless you focus hardout . or.....quite possibly eaten. dont judge fast. you may find more =)
  18. Panamera

    Tetras ?

    Ofcourse if you want to have any chance of breeding your fish you will stay away of any larger tetra like serpae tetras. they will slaughter the fry. or anything smaller
  19. Panamera

    Troubled Krib

    lol here if you give fish.... depends on the fish.... guppies... nothing really. give them 50 they'll give you like $10 store credit. but from what i know plecs arent that special. only the large full grown ones are. because they arent seen very often for sale. and people with large tanks want...
  20. Panamera

    Troubled Krib

    bristlenoses are quite valueable actualy when fullgrown, mine dosnt have any bristles tho which is even better.. they are about 15 from LFS. but my old fullgrown i gave back to the LFS and they offered me $50 for it. and they would have probably pulled some more on it when selling to someone...
  21. Panamera

    Swordtail Fry Expected Tonight? Tomorrow?

    lol Oldman im beginning to think they aint comming...... no fry from that fish yet. is it possible that maybe shes keeping it for longer than shes suppised to? im beginning to see distinguishable dots in its gravid spot. which im guessing are the babies
  22. Panamera

    Troubled Krib

    Details of my tank and whats inside is in my sig. The longest surviving members are the plecs. which have been in the tank since the day it was set up a year ago so its not them. i used to have lots of guppies and platties and a gourami in it . but they all lived their lives. some didnt live...
  23. Panamera

    Troubled Krib

    Hi, ive got a male krib. which is pretty much full grown. and it used to be one of the friendliest fish in my tank. it wouldnt even hurt a fry. now it may be because its grown up or something. but this is only the last 2 weeks or so. its become reaaaaaally aggressive. it ate a juvi to...
  24. Panamera

    Are There Any Tankmates To Steer Clear Of For Platys

    depends what those 10 fish are. for example. if you have 2 males. you'd need atleast 4 females. 5 even better. the more females you have the better. with my swords, which are pretty much the same as platties. i have 1 male and 4 females. all is good and the male could be more happy.
  25. Panamera

    Swordtail Fry Expected Tonight? Tomorrow?

    Thanks for your help. yeah this is my first experience with swords. platties were so easy to tell. this .... ive been expecting it to drop anyday now for 2 weeks lol. its just got a gravid spot now. not very easy. i may place it in the trap tonight. will see what happens =). you know what...
  26. Panamera

    Swordtail Fry Expected Tonight? Tomorrow?

    Hi i needa know if its due tonight or not lol. 5teady said 1 week to go last week exactly. now i can see the gravid spot . but does it get any darker or is this it? and also is it always the case that the fish goes isolated? mines quite active still thanks here are some pics. in the second pic...
  27. Panamera

    Are There Any Tankmates To Steer Clear Of For Platys

    platies are the kind of fish that are pretty much good with anything that isnt 2x their size, except barbs as oldman said, and serpae tetras. what you describe sounds like stress. if you've jsut got them. then give them a few days. maybe a week. it may be stress of being handled and change in...
  28. Panamera

    Which Livebearer Is Your Favourite?

    i've never heard of them. but that is amazing. im not sure we can get them in new zealand as ive never seen them. but then that'll be another added to the things we cant get here list cause of strict import laws . fry at 2cm is incredible
  29. Panamera

    Which Livebearer Is Your Favourite?

    Guppies are no doubt the easiest to breed. with no input needed. but i personally find Swords the most interesting
  30. Panamera

    Do Clown Loaches Regularly Do This?!

    yeah i remember my angel did that once. only difference was it never got back up :P
  31. Panamera

    Siamese Flying Fox

    yup they are crazy. nice way to put it. i gave mine away. stressed the other fish out too much. the guppies were all on the surface. when i gave the fox away. they all came down pecking at the gravel on the bottom lol. poor things.
  32. Panamera

    Brought Flying Fox

    flying foxes , the smaller they are the better they are with algae. when they get big they become lazy buggers who rely on flake or whatever you feed them. as for the algae. flourish excell helps =). and no need for fish like flying foxes. i found they they cause alot of stress to the other...
  33. Panamera

    Fish Exploded?

    i've had that happen with a female guppy. but at the time it never occured to me that she may have exploded. i thought she had died and the other fish started eating her. as they do. was very disturbing. not nice.
  34. Panamera

    Swordtail Fry Expected Tonight? Tomorrow?

    Hi thanks =). yeah probably havnt noticed as i see them everyday, but i imagine my krib has probably gotten alot bigger. because when i got it. it was right in the middle of loads of guppy fry and it didnt even chase them. now it finds one fry. it knows there are more. it goes hunting lol...
  35. Panamera

    Swordtail Fry Expected Tonight? Tomorrow?

    Hi, i bought a few swordtails, they had babies, the usual. but the poor things didnt stand a chance. abrely a day old they got masacred by my fully grown Kribensis. (i put in a baby guppy. not fry. not adult. like just begining to get big. my krib ate the whole thing. one bite. it wouldnt...