Do Clown Loaches Regularly Do This?!


Fish Herder
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
Manchester UK
I saw my baby clown loach lying on his/her side!

I panicked and went to take a closer look, but then he/she took off and is zipping aorund :\

do they normally like to scare the bejeesus out of you?
Lol, yes Clown Loach and some of the other botia species do like to rest on their sides,
yup, they do this just to fool you into thinking something is wrong.....want to hear something even more funnier?...

in the morning when my tanks lights are off, the clown loaches swim on their right side, this is due to light coming in
from the front window hitting the left side of the tank, and they think its the tanks lights lol, when the tanks lights come
on, they swim normally lol
angel fish do that a bit too, stupid animals, would have thought the swimbladder would sort it out durrr

I guess it is a bit like pilots when flying in low visibility with no horizon visible if their artificial horizon fails they have absolutely no way of knowing if they are level or banked nose up/down etc... and will normally end up crashing. Stupid pilots :p :fun:

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