Troubled Krib


New Member
May 1, 2009
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New Zealand

ive got a male krib. which is pretty much full grown. and it used to be one of the friendliest fish in my tank.
it wouldnt even hurt a fry.

now it may be because its grown up or something. but this is only the last 2 weeks or so. its become reaaaaaally aggressive.
it ate a juvi to mdisized guppy whole. like fit the whole thing in its mouth. this is very different from the time it didnt eat a fry.

and now i noticed its bullying my plec. which is a full grown bristlenose so its not small. and pretty much bullying and bashing anything thats near it or in its way.

What can i do about this? or whats the problem?
i think it's in his sig.

kribensis, do you think they get as aggressive if they are paired up? i've gotten so skeptical of keeping this fish now..everyone made it sound find, but it's starting to sound a bit more complicated..gosh if only rams didn't have such odd temp requirements...
p.s. krib i'm about to update my thread, keep an eye out, Thanks man!

oh just htought of something.
panamera, have you moved stuff around in your tank? or switched up the decor or added new fish?
when i first had mine, they were really aggressive..but now things are pretty settled. they used to chase a gourami, but now he chases them. also, when i added some fish and the kribs had been in already, the krib killed them.
so if you moved anything or added fish, they could be having territory issues, i think sometimes the new fish don't sorta get it yet, and they get thumped for it haha.
Kribensis, like all cichlids are agressive. They are not as agressive as most fish. But they still are agressive. A rule for cichlids is, don't keep any fish small enough to fit in the other fishes mouth. I have had placid kribs. I've also had some hell bent on distroying everything in the tank. It all depends on the fish.
My kribs were very aggressive - killed several platties while breeding.

I wouldn't have expected a lone male to be as bad but of course every fish is different.
Details of my tank and whats inside is in my sig.

The longest surviving members are the plecs. which have been in the tank since the day it was set up a year ago so its not them.

i used to have lots of guppies and platties and a gourami in it . but they all lived their lives. some didnt live as long as they should have. but the krib was fine.

recently i added some swordtails and it may have been them i guess. but its not the first time the krib has had neighbours. but it may have been the first time the krib has had neighbours added while he was alread there.

he used to be a chicken always hiding. now he even ges his food from the surface. i added some rocks for him, and he's taken those up as his cave.

im just worried about my plecs. its quite large and quite valueable. dont want it to be killed by a krib smaller than it.
Bristlenosed plecos arent THAT vauleable. They sell for about 15 dollars at an lfs. They are good fish( I myself having 1m/1f and lots of fry). He wont get killed by the krib. I have kept Bristlenose's and Yellow Labs together( more aggressive than Kribs).
bristlenoses are quite valueable actualy when fullgrown, mine dosnt have any bristles tho which is even better.. they are about 15 from LFS. but my old fullgrown i gave back to the LFS and they offered me $50 for it. and they would have probably pulled some more on it when selling to someone else.

but i just remembered another point. do kribs like plantation? cause recently ive let my plants loose and its become alot more heavy with the plantation.
Kribs like plants, alot. Bristlenoses arent that vaulable here. I mean, a small one is probably oging to cost you 12 bucks. I bought my male and female( full grown adults) from a local breeder. I payed 5 dollars apeice. The male has so many bristles it isnt funny.
wow. wish i had your lfs. would be nice to get something back for fish

lol here if you give fish.... depends on the fish.... guppies... nothing really. give them 50 they'll give you like $10 store credit.
but from what i know plecs arent that special. only the large full grown ones are. because they arent seen very often for sale. and people with large tanks want them as clean up crew.

and besides the point they are cool :).

i hope my krib can get out whatever that is that its stuck up its backside lol. its causing quite a fuss. maybe it's feeling "needy" but im not planning on getting a female.

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