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  1. CatLover


    Thank you for your input! I spent the last hour doing more research on them, and I think I have decided not to get one. But thanks anyway!
  2. CatLover


    My aquarium has been empty for a while, and I am trying to plan out future inhabitants. I have read that axolotls can potentially reach a length of 12 inches. I was also thinking of keeping large tetras, danios, and guppies with it. Given its adult size, is there any chance those fish might...
  3. CatLover

    75g Tank For Sale!

    I'm selling my 75 gallon tank and everything with it. It's 4ft x 18in x 22in. I'm asking $400 OBO. You will get the tank, the oak stand, lights, filter, heater, and all fish supplies (food, meds, nets, etc) and cleaning supplies and decorations (includes some large pieces of driftwood!). I'm...
  4. CatLover

    Moving House With Fish

    I have moved with my fish before, and it was quite simple. I used to live in Kentucky, and I was moving to California by U-haul. I made sure the fish were the last thing I packed. I got fish baggies from the LFS, and bagged about 3 fish per bag, depending on the size of the fish. I bought a...
  5. CatLover

    Moving Across The Country

    Thanks for the reply. Would the plastic bags that you get fish in from pet stores do? Those are the only kind I can get. And also, why is it beneficial to bag the fish? Keeping the tank water is a good plan. If I do bag the fish, should I stack the bags in a box, or just let them float around...
  6. CatLover

    Moving Across The Country

    Hello all, I'm moving in just a few days to CA - a 2400 mile move for me. I will be taking my 75G freshwater tank with me. All of my fish are small; none exceeding 4 inches. Here's the question - what in the world do I do to make this trip as stress/death free as possible? So far my plans are...
  7. CatLover

    Swim Bladder?

    Thanks! I have had constipated bettas before, but they never had problems swimming. I will give him a plant to rest on near the surface. He is VERY old. I have had him 3 years, and he was a few months old when I got him. So he is getting up there. Oh, and if it is constipation, wouldn't he be...
  8. CatLover

    Swim Bladder?

    One of my bettas seems to have a swim bladder issue. I noticed this evening that he is basically stuck on the bottom of his tank, and struggles to make it to the surface. I plan on lowering the water level in just a minute. What can I do to cure this? Is there a cure? He isn't deformed in any...
  9. CatLover

    Swollen Loach

    I have a 6 inch dojo loach in my tank. I noticed today that he is extremely swollen from the back of his head all the way to his vent. The last inch of his tail is the only part of his body that isn't huge. He is round, and fat, and looks like small snake that just ate a rat. I didn't think he...
  10. CatLover


    I have been eyeing AquarioGest for several months, but haven't bought it yet. I'm thinking of getting it for Christmas. Have any of you guys used it before? It looks absolutely awesome, but I would like to hear some input before I buy. Thanks!
  11. CatLover

    Betta Pics (56k Warning)

    I really love that yellow one!!!! :wub: And I also love the textured glass in the tanks. Very nice!
  12. CatLover

    What Sand?

    It's not really dark at first. It will be sort of a silvery/smokey grey. When I bought mine, I knew I wanted play sand, but I wasn't sure what it looked like in the bag. I just asked a Lowe's employee, and they told me where it was at. The bag was clearly marked with "Play Sand." If you have...
  13. CatLover


    For gluing things together that are meant for aquarium use, I would always use aquarium sealant. Not only can you reseal aquariums with it, it's great for gluing rocks and things together for tank decorations. I saw a post on here not too long ago where a guy used to it to glue pieces of slate...
  14. CatLover

    What Sand?

    Personally, I think play sand is the best choice for aquariums. It looks good, it's dirt cheap, and it has perfect sized grains. It's not too big to where it wouldn't be good for bottom-dwellers to sift through, yet it is big enough to where you don't have to worry about it floating around and...
  15. CatLover

    What Am I?

    Oh! Jayjay - is it a striped barb Puntius Johorensis?
  16. CatLover

    I Want Some Heavy Duty Eheims

    Thank you all SO much!!
  17. CatLover

    What Is Your Next Fish?

    My next fish will hopefully be some Peacock Spiney Eels. Unless I find some small plecos :P My recent addition was a pitbull pleco. Cutie!
  18. CatLover

    What Am I?

    I'm going with neon tetra, or cardinal tetra.
  19. CatLover

    I Want Some Heavy Duty Eheims

    I still haven't chosen which filters I want. I have been reading up, and have decided I'm definitely getting Eheim filters for my 75gallon. However, I have no idea what kind I want. Should I get HOBs, canisters, internal? What do you guys recommend? I want something with a lot of power that...
  20. CatLover

    My Python Sucks At Cleaning Sand

    Yes, my faucet is much lower than my tank by at least 18 inches. I have thought about taking the tube off of it and using the hose, but I just haven't got around to it yet. I will try that out. Thanks!
  21. CatLover

    My Python Sucks At Cleaning Sand

    My Python syphon was great when I had gravel, but I don't know what's up with it cleaning sand. I know in order to vaccuum sand, you need to swirl it a bit over the debris so you won't suck up a bunch of sand. My problem is that the syphon seems to not have enough sucking power to get anything...
  22. CatLover

    Whoe What A Fool Am I,

    Oh no! The worst possible thing that can happen in fishkeeping :crazy: It's a fear we all have - one of our tanks just breaking and exploding everywhere. But I think you handled it very well. I would have still been crying :/ Hope your fish (and your floor!) recover well!
  23. CatLover

    How Much To Supply My Fish With?

    I would use a whole one. When I feed my fish frozen food, I actually use 2 whole cubes. I go around my room and give a tiny bit to all 7 of my bettas, and then everything that's left gets dumped in the 75g. All of it is inhaled within minutes.
  24. CatLover

    8' 2' 2'

    Ooohhh.. I would have oscars and green terrors and fire mouths and dempseys and HUGE plecos!! :drool:
  25. CatLover


    I would say that's fine, but I would wash it and cook it first. :nod:
  26. CatLover

    Edmonton Albertas Best Kept Secret

    Why can't I live there?? :sad: I probably couldn't shop at a store like that because I would die of a heart attack the first time I checked it out. :lol:
  27. CatLover

    Khuli Loach And Spiny Eels?

    Probably all spiney eels, except peacock spiney eels, can and will eat kuhlis. The peacocks are much smaller than the others, and therefore have smaller mouths. I plan on getting some peacocks for my tank, and I also have kuhlis. I was told there shouldn't be a problem with these two species...
  28. CatLover

    75 Gallon(us) Tank Suggestions

    Hey there! I have a 75gallon too, and they are too small for bala sharks. As was mentioned, an African cichlid tank, or Latin American cichlid tank would be great. An oscar would be quite happy in your tank (however, I wouldn't put more than one in there). An oddball tank would be a lot of...
  29. CatLover

    Powerball Jackpot

    Haha! Wow, no comment ;) If I had that much money, I would buy my dream house (more accurately, have it built) in Arizona, on a 500 acre ranch. There would be a tank or two in every room, and one room would be The Fish Room. I would also need to set up a marine tank, because my boyfriend...
  30. CatLover

    Wanting New Filters

    Very awesome. Thank you! :nod:
  31. CatLover

    Wanting New Filters

    I have a 75gallon freshwater tank that I am wanting to put new filters on. I'm looking into the Hagen AquaClear 110, which has a gph of 428. I would really like to get superb exterior filtration for my tank. If this filter is good (I have no experience with Hagen products), should I put two...
  32. CatLover

    Peacock Spiney Eel

    Aww, isn't he a doll :wub:
  33. CatLover

    What Is This Fish? Plz Help Me....

    Is this a pic you took yourself, or found online?
  34. CatLover

    Pictures Of My New Baby...

    Oh! Gorgeous!!!! That's the first time I have seen an albino one. They stay around a foot in length. The length of your tank seems fine, but if it's only 38 gallons, then that means it must be pretty narrow. For a fish like that, I wouldn't keep it in anything smaller than 55 gallons. Seems to...
  35. CatLover

    Peacock Spiney Eel

    Thanks so much everyone!
  36. CatLover

    Rats Male Or Female?

    If you can't find a breeder, then adopt a few from a shelter. It's always better to adopt. I have had both male and female rats, and I do prefer the males. The smell isn't horrible, and can easily be controlled by frequent baths and cage cleanings. IME, the males are a lot more loveable, no...
  37. CatLover

    L191 Eddie The Royal Pleco

    Ooohhhh, I am so in love with that pleco! Looks like a little wrinkled watermelon :lol: I have only seen a royal pleco once IRL, and it wasn't for sale. They are definitely one of my all time favs.
  38. CatLover

    Me Male Betta Video

    He seems to be doing very well in that tank :nod: Love your Bolivian ram. They are such little punks! Hey! Lookie there! It's my 666th post!
  39. CatLover

    Peacock Spiney Eel

    Thanks for your input! Anyone else have any thoughts?
  40. CatLover

    Peacock Spiney Eel

    I have been looking at peacock spiney eels lately (the common, small species that CFC made an index entry about). I'm aware they are predators toward small fish. Would zebra danios be small enough for them to eat? Are cories small enough? And, could they slurp down a kuhli loach? If they can...